As the app store grows, apps are being developed to fill all areas of our life. From astronomy to hunting there's now an app for that. This is the first of what i hope will be a regular column looking at apps for niche markets that may surprise you. This first blog will look at a niche market that's near to my heart-- Ultimate Frisbee.
Ultimate is the fastest growing sport in America. For those of you who have never heard of ultimate, here is a brief description from the USA ultimate website.

"Combining the non-stop movement and athletic endurance of soccer with the aerial passing skills of football, a game of Ultimate is played by two seven-player squads with a high-tech plastic disc on a field similar to football. The object of the game is to score by catching a pass in the opponent’s end zone. A player must stop running while in possession of the disc, but may pivot and pass to any of the other receivers on the field."
App Reviews
So far I've found 7 ultimate frisbee apps in the app store. In this blog I'm going to look at two of my favorites.
Ultimate Frisbee Toolbox ($2.99) is a three-in-one app for the Ultimate Frisbee player. Ultimate Toolbox includes:
★ The 11th edition rulebook for ultimate frisbee with quick highlighted searching capabilities.
★ A simple to use keyframe animated playbook which options to save and load plays and formations.
★ An elegant scoreboard and timer to keep track of the game you are playing.
All three sections of this app are very well made and very useful. The best part is the built in rulebook. Ultimate has a surprisingly complicated set of rules, but it's a hassle to carry a rulebook with you every time you play. Having a searchable rulebook always on hand is very useful. The Playbook section was also very useful. Being able to create and demonstrate plays was also very handy in the huddle.
Championship Ultimate ($4.99) Is the first fully featured game based on the sport of Ultimate.
This game is very detailed and very well made. The graphics are surprising gool and the game is pretty realistic, but it is very difficult to master all of the controls. It's hard to aim your throws and it's hard to catch the disc. If I were willing to invest a few hours into mastering it, I think it would be a lot of fun, but the learning curve was too steep for me.