Tip of the Day: How to Use iOS 8's Manual Exposure in Camera

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By Rheanne Taylor
May 27, 2021

Automatic exposure (which determines how light or dark our images should be) is so convenient and accurate most of the time, but then there are those times when we end up with overexposed or underexposed images that make us cringe. After all, our cameras are pretty advanced, but it's still impossible for them to recognize when we want our focal point darker (such when shooting silhouettes) or lighter.

That’s why iOS 8 has put the control in our hands with Manual Exposure, making it much easier to get the images we want. The process is simple. Just tap your desired focal point and a vertical line with a sun should appear alongside your focus box.

If the exposure is already set to your liking, great! If not, simply swipe the sun up to lighten your image or down to darken it. If you want to quickly revert back to the automatic settings, just tap elsewhere on the screen and it will refocus and automatically expose the image.

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Rheanne Taylor

Rheanne Taylor is the Video Production Manager of iPhone Life. In her 10+ years at the company, she has produced hundreds of educational videos showing people how to get the most out of their iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macs. Rheanne holds a bachelor’s degree in Literature & Writing and has 11+ years of experience in photography and video work, which she enjoys utilizing in her how-to videos. When she isn’t overseeing video content, Rheanne loves drinking tea, taking lots of photos, and hanging out with her Instagram famous cat Wesley (IG: wesley_the_pirate_cat)
Learn about Rheanne

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