Tip of the Day: How to Use Widgets

Apple doesn’t often allow you to modify user experiences. I'm not saying that’s a bad thing, but it’s even more fun when you can! iOS users are now able to modify the “Today” view in the pull-down Notification Center in iOS 8.
To access this screen and add widgets, pull down from the top of your screen to open the Notification Centerand navigate to the “Today” screen.
From here, scroll down to the bottom and tap “edit.”
You will have options to modify your experience! The widgets on the top are the ones automatically set on your phone, while the widgets on the bottom are possibly widgets you can add.
To add, tap the green plus sign. To delete, tap the red minus sign. You can also move some of the third-party widgets around to arrange them how you like. Not all apps have widget capability, but more and more are rolling out these options with every update!
Below, you can see I’ve added Buzzfeed as a widget, and now get article recommendations in my Notification Center instead of having to open the app!

Abbey Dufoe
Abbey Dufoe is a freelance writer and a web producer at a nonprofit based in Princeton, NJ. She's always itching for the newest iOS gadget (current favorite - the Apple Watch). She tweets and blogs about the earth and the Internet on Twitter at @abbeydufoe and at abbeydufoe.com.