How to Share a Quote from iBooks on iPhone

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By Rheanne Taylor
May 27, 2021

We’ve all been in this situation: you’re reading a book and come across a quote or passage you just have to share. For whatever reason, the quote is just too good to keep to yourself. iBooks is Apple’s e-reading app for iPhone and iPad. You can purchase and read your books right from the iBooks app. You can also highlight quotes you love and then share those quotes with a friend or on social media. Here’s how to share a quote from iBooks on iPhone.

To share a quote from iBooks:

  • Within iBooks, find the quote you want to share.

  • Tap and hold the text to begin highlighting. Drag the endpoints so that the blue highlight encompasses the entirety of the quote you want to share.

  • Tap Share.

  • Select where you’d like to share the quote to from iBooks.

  • Tap Send or Post, depending on whether you’re sending in an message or sharing to social media.

Top image credit: AnastasiaNess /

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Rheanne Taylor

Rheanne Taylor is the Video Production Manager of iPhone Life. In her 10+ years at the company, she has produced hundreds of educational videos showing people how to get the most out of their iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macs. Rheanne holds a bachelor’s degree in Literature & Writing and has 11+ years of experience in photography and video work, which she enjoys utilizing in her how-to videos. When she isn’t overseeing video content, Rheanne loves drinking tea, taking lots of photos, and hanging out with her Instagram famous cat Wesley (IG: wesley_the_pirate_cat)
Learn about Rheanne

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