Apple Shares “Dillan’s Voice” Videos for Autism Acceptance Month

In honor of Autism Acceptance Month, Apple released two videos featuring the life of a teenager named Dillan who uses Apple products to communicate and express his thoughts and creativity. Dillan is autistic and nonverbal, but he is insightful and creative with complex thoughts. Dillon has been using augmented and alternative communication apps for three years to help him communicate, and the videos show how integral the technology has become to his life.
“All my life I wanted so badly to connect with people,” Dillon says with the use of his app, “but they couldn’t understand, because I had no way to communicate.” He describes the unique way in which he experiences the world, “I can see the wind, hear the flowers; I feel incredible emotions flowing from those I love.” By minute two of the video, I was tearing up. “We are the reality of our thinking life, and are capable of so much if we just open our minds,” Dillon concludes. Watch the video below.
The second video, “Dillon’s Path,” highlights interviews with Dillon’s mom and his communication partner. Since Dillon is nonverbal, the assumption is he lacks intelligence as well, but technology has allowed him to express his inner, authentic self. “Not being able to speak isn’t the same as not having something to say,” said Dillan’s mother, “Everyone has to have a voice, and he wants everyone to have one.” I am here to report that both of these videos made me cry in the best of ways. Unleash your own waterworks below.

Conner Carey
Conner Carey's writing can be found at She is currently writing a book, creating lots of content, and writing poetry via @conpoet on Instagram. She lives in an RV full-time with her mom, Jan and dog, Jodi as they slow-travel around the country.