Featured iUser: How Preschool Director Rebecca Bellonci Uses Her iPhone

In every issue of iPhone Life magazine, we feature the iPhone Home screens of people from different walks of life, so our readers can see how they use iPhone apps to meet a variety of needs. In our Spring 2020 issue, we featured preschool director Rebecca Bellonci, who uses her iPhone for parking, visiting museums, fitness, and more. If you have a story and apps you'd like to suggest, email Tamlin Day, and we may feature you in an upcoming issue of the magazine!
Related: Featured iUser: How Magician & Clown Brandon Baglivo Uses His iPhone
Rebecca Bellonci
Rebecca is Head of School at All Day Montessori in Chicago. She lives in a third-floor walkup with her husband, teenage daughter, dog, and a cat. Keeping a work-life balance is at the top of her busy to-do list!
ParkChicago (Free)
Using this parking app is so much easier than finding a kiosk and printing a ticket to place on your dashboard. You can even list multiple cars, and extend your time from your phone if things are running later than planned.
Life360 (Free)
I use this app to see where my daughter and her friends are as they explore Chicago—freedom for her with some peace of mind for me.
Art Institute of Chicago (Free)
The Art Institute is one of my favorite places. I like to hear about particular paintings, and see what exhibits are coming next.
C25K 5K Trainer (Free)
What an easy way to start running again! This app provides manageable running and walking intervals that are doable no matter how long you have sat on the couch. The app tracks your distance and plays music to help the time fly by.
Down Dog (Free)
When I can, I like to do a little yoga. You can pick your skill level, which voice feels most soothing (Australian male), how long you want to practice, and even the length of your savasana! Life support in an app.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary (Free)
As my daughter enters ninth grade, she often asks me to define words. I have learned that it is easier to look up the word and give an accurate and precise definition. Teenagers can be so literal!
Clue Period Tracker (Free)
My husband, daughter, and I all have this app on our phones. Not only does it chart our menstruation cycles, but we can also track PMS, headaches, cravings, exercise, and sleep patterns.
Whole Foods (Free)
As Amazon Prime members, we have a bar code and get an additional 10 percent off any item that is on sale. I like to check the weekly specials, stock up on staples, and plan the menu with seasonal options. Grapes are on sale; I should go get some!

Leanne Hays
Leanne Hays has over a dozen years of experience writing for online publications. As a Feature Writer for iPhone Life, she has authored hundreds of how-to, Apple news, and gear review articles, as well as a comprehensive Photos App guide. Leanne holds degrees in education and science and loves troubleshooting and repair. This combination makes her a perfect fit as manager of our Ask an Expert service, which helps iPhone Life Insiders with Apple hardware and software issues.
In off-work hours, Leanne is a mother of two, homesteader, audiobook fanatic, musician, and learning enthusiast.