How to Exit Full Screen: Mac Shortcut

There are two ways to exit full-screen mode on your Mac; we'll show you how!

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By Olena Kagui
January 13, 2022

We will teach you how to exit the full screen on your Mac. You can do this the traditional way by clicking the green button on your open window. You can also use the full-screen Mac shortcut on your keyboard.

How to Use the Mac Minimize Shortcut to Exit Full Screen

The full-screen shortcut on Macs can help you enter and exit full screen by pressing command + control + F. You need to push all of these keys at once while your window is open to enter full screen and again to exit full screen.

make screen smaller mac

Related: How to Use Split Screen on MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and iMac and use the MacBook Split Screen Shortcut

How to Minimize Screen on Mac

Another way to minimize the screen is to click the full-screen button, which is the green button located in the top-left corner of your window. If your window is already in full-screen mode, you might not see the button unless you hover over the top of the window with your cursor.

  1. With your window in full screen, hover over the top of the window with your cursor until the three colored buttons appear. With your window in full screen - view video full screen
  2. Click on the green button to minimize your window. Click on the green button to minimize your window - how to get out of full screen mac
  3. Click on the green button again to maximize it. Click on the green button again to maximize it.

Now you know how to get out of full-screen mode on your Mac! If you want to learn more about your Apple devices, including how to manage displays on Macs, sign up for our free Tip of the Day newsletter. Don't forget to check out our macOS Guide, available for free to iPhone Life Insiders, for even more helpful Mac tips!

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written by

Olena Kagui

Olena Kagui is a Feature Writer at iPhone Life. In the last 10 years, she has been published in dozens of publications internationally and won an excellence award. Since joining iPhone Life in 2020, she has written how-to articles as well as complex guides about Apple products, software, and apps. Olena grew up using Macs and exploring all the latest tech. Her Maui home is the epitome of an Apple ecosystem, full of compatible smart gear to boot. Olena’s favorite device is the Apple Watch Ultra because it can survive all her adventures and travels, and even her furbabies.

Learn about Olena

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