How to Recover a Recently Deleted Voicemail on iPhone

Have you ever deleted a voicemail and then realized you should have saved it? Don't worry; there's a fix for that! When voicemails are deleted on iPhone, they move to a Recently Deleted folder, which allows you to recover a voicemail you didn't mean to delete or need to listen to again. How long voicemail messages remain in your Deleted Messages folder depends on your carrier. I have Verizon, and the oldest deleted voicemail in my folder is from ten months ago. You can retrieve deleted voicemail and move it back to your regular Voicemail inbox. It's also possible to clear all your deleted messages, permanently removing them from your iPhone. Here’s how to recover a recently deleted voicemail messages, move them back to your Voicemail inbox, or permanently delete them.
Related: How to Use Voicemail Transcription (aka Voicemail-to-Text) on iPhone
- Open the Phone app.
- Tap Voicemail at the bottom of the screen.
Scroll down to the bottom of your voicemail messages list; tap Deleted Messages.
Here you’ll find all the available recently deleted voicemail messages. You can tap on any on the list to listen to them.
How to Retrieve Deleted Messages on iPhone
If you decide you'd like to save a voicemail you deleted earlier, tap on that voicemail in your Deleted Messages list.
- Now, tap on Undelete to return the voicemail to your regular Voicemail inbox.
How to Permanently Remove Deleted Voicemails on iPhone
If you want to clear all of your deleted messages, thereby removing them permanently from your iPhone, tap Clear All in the top right corner of the Deleted Messages folder.
Tap Clear All to confirm.
If you still can't find the voicemail you're looking for, maybe you're looking for a voicemail from a blocked number. Check out our article on how to check voicemails from blocked numbers.

Conner Carey
Conner Carey's writing can be found at She is currently writing a book, creating lots of content, and writing poetry via @conpoet on Instagram. She lives in an RV full-time with her mom, Jan and dog, Jodi as they slow-travel around the country.