AdBlock Fast: Block Safari Ads in iOS 9 for Free
While Google and Apple go to war over ad revenues, we the consumers will sit back and enjoy our new option to block ads in Safari in iOS 9. Within days of the iOS 9 release, adblockers flooded the app store and ranged largely in price and performance. Now that the dust has settled, a clear contender for the best, free adblocker has emerged: AdBlock Fast.
AdBlock Fast is free to use and open-source. Reviewers have noted its fast speed and great price (free), and that it doesn’t require tweaks to get it working. Once you’ve downloaded the app, make sure it’s enabled by opening Settings, tapping Safari, and finding General. Look for Content Blockers and make sure Adblock Fast is turned on.
Which ad blockers have your tried? How wlell did they perform? Leave a comment and let us know.
Top Image Credit: charnsitr /
Conner Carey
Conner Carey's writing can be found at She is currently writing a book, creating lots of content, and writing poetry via @conpoet on Instagram. She lives in an RV full-time with her mom, Jan and dog, Jodi as they slow-travel around the country.