How to Move Apps In & Out of the Mac Dock

The Mac Dock is the menu bar usually found at the bottom of your screen containing various apps. Every Mac comes with a pre-set list of Apple's most popular apps. While every app in the Dock has its purpose, each user has unique needs and preferences. Learn how to move apps as needed to have a custom Dock that works for you.

Related: How to Organize Your Desktop on a Mac

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How to Remove Apps from Your Mac Dock

The quickest way to remove apps from the Dock is to right click on the application icons. Uh oh, are you experiencing frozen apps on your Mac while trying to do this? Troubleshoot that first, and then try these steps again!

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  1. Right-click on the app you want to remove from your Mac Dock.

    Right click the app that you want to remove from Mac Dock.
  2. Hold your cursor over Options.

    Hover over Options to see Mac Dock options.
  3. Select Keep in Dock

    Select Remove from Dock to remove an app from Mac Doc.

If there is a checkmark next to Keep in Dock, the app will be kept in the Dock. If there is no checkmark, clicking will remove the app from the Dock. Keep in mind that removing an app from the Dock does not uninstall the app from your Apple device. To learn more about Mac personalization, sign up for our free Tip of the Day newsletter.

How to Add Apps to Your Mac Dock

You can add any app installed on your Mac to your Dock. 

  1. Open the app you want to keep in your Dock.

    Open the app you want to add to the Mac Dock.
  2. Right-click on the app.

    Right click on the app in the Mac Dock to see settings.
  3. Hold your cursor over Options.

    Hover over Options in Mac Dock settings.
  4. Select Keep in Dock.  

    Select Keep in Doc to add app to the Mac Dock.
  5. There isn't a limit to how many apps you can keep in your Dock. The more you add, the smaller the icons will become to fit all the apps in one row. To change the order, click the app icons, then drag and drop as needed.

    Rearrange apps in Mac Dock by drag and dropping.

A customized Dock can make your Mac experience more enjoyable. Once you learn how to move apps on and off your Apple Dock, it is easy to quickly edit your Mac. Now you can experiment to see what works best for you!

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Author Details

Olena Kagui

Olena Kagui is a Feature Writer at iPhone Life. In the last 10 years, she has been published in dozens of publications internationally and won an excellence award. Since joining iPhone Life in 2020, she has written how-to articles as well as complex guides about Apple products, software, and apps. Olena grew up using Macs and exploring all the latest tech. Her Maui home is the epitome of an Apple ecosystem, full of compatible smart gear to boot. Olena’s favorite device is the Apple Watch Ultra because it can survive all her adventures and travels, and even her furbabies.