Today's batch of press releases brings yet another app for my in-progress article on creative uses of the iPhone camera. Money Scan x2 ($0.99) is an app that helps you detect counterfeit money. What will they think of next? The description says that it works with all currencies. It appears to simply magnify and illuminate the currency, rather than itself detecting counterfeit bills.
Jim Karpen
Price Check by Amazon -- free app lets you find prices via voice, bar code, photo, or product name
By Jim Karpen
If you're shopping and wonder whether the item you're considering could be more cheaply purchased via Amazon, a new app helps you do just that. Price Check by Amazon (free) lets you search for the product you have in mind in four different ways: you can say the name of the product, use the iPhone's camera to read the bar code, take a photo of the item, or enter the name of the product. The app uses the same voice recognition technology that powers the popular Dragon NaturallySpeaking. (iPhone 4 and 3GS only)
TextNow -- free app gives you a free phone number that you can use for free texting on your iPad or iPod touch
By Jim Karpen
TextNow is currently available for free, and if you'd like to do free texting on your iPad or iPod touch, this app certainly deserves consideration. They actually give you a free phone number that others can use to send text messages to your iPad or iPod touch. It also can be used to send picture messages. It does have ads, but you can use in-app purchasing to upgrade to a version without apps ($5.99 per year). Here's a video demo.
MultiSearch is a free app that lets you search multiple search engines simultaneously. These include Google, Bing, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, YouTube, Flickr, iTunes, AppStore,, Panoramio, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Digg, and FriendFeed. You can choose which engines you want to search, and all the results are displayed in a single, browsable view. Plus, you can enable geolocation such that the search results are related to your current location.
Free Karate Kid app includes 5 mini-games
By Jim Karpen
The free Karate Kid app includes five mini-games that test your Kung Fu virtues: courage, endurance, patience, perseverance, and will. You start out as a white belt and try to become a black belt and achieve martial arts mastery.
GameFinder — free app helps you find games you like
By Jim Karpen
GameFinder (free) is a new app that helps you find games in a variety of ways. According to the press release, you can check out games that were recently reviewed on Slide To Play, a website that focuses on reviewing games and that has developed the app. You can also explore games by genre, or browse through lists such as STP Games of the Month, zombie-themed games, Match-3 puzzles, first-person shooters, games under a dollar, and more.
Okay, we won't get into an emotionally charged discussion of whether genetically modified food is bad for you. But if you're inclined to think that it might be, then you might be interested in ShopNoGMO, a free app that gives you a database of hundreds of brand names in 22 food categories that are free of genetically modified content. And if you're not sure how you feel about genetically modified food, the app also has an About GMOs section that gives you more information. Also in the app is a section that offers four simple tips for avoiding GMO.
Pocket Dictate — free software for recording dictation
By Jim Karpen
Even though you have Voice Memo on your iPhone you might also be interested in the free Pocket Dictate, which lets you make recordings and then tap the send button to e-mail it to your typist from within the app. You can also send it via ftp. The app automatically compresses the WAV file. There are other useful controls, too, including the ability to overwrite and insert. A voice activation feature lets you set it so that it only records when you're speaking. And while it's designed to emulate — and replace — a dictaphone, obviously it could be used for other purposes, such as interviews.
Spyglass ($0.99) is yet another creative use of your iPhone's camera. You can view your environment via the iPhone camera and digitally zoom in in up to 5x. In addition, the app uses augmented reality to superimpose compass and GPS information as well as horizon tilt right over the live camera feed. You can also enable the maps feature and have the same information superimposed on a map.You'll need an iPhone 3Gs plus an Internet connection to use the maps feature.
Free wallpapers from Portable Themes
By Jim Karpen
In our Best Sites page I list a number of sites that offer free wallpapers for your iPhone or iPod Touch. A new site that I heard about recently is PortableThemes, which has nearly 2,000 images that you can use as wallpapers.