Videoblocks by Storyblocks is your premium source for high-definition video footage, After Effects templates, and motion backgrounds. For the content creator, a Videoblocks subscription makes bringing your creative vision to life easier than ever before. Videoblocks consistently releases new content too that will allow your reservoir of incredible stock footage to continue to expand. Everything you download is included in your membership, so there are no additional fees. You can download as much as you want and use it royalty-free forever.

Videoblocks has one of the fastest growing and largest stock video libraries, with over 3 million videos, After Effects templates, and motion backgrounds. With your low fixed subscription price, you’ll gain access to Videoblocks’ vast library of over 115,000+ studio-quality HD clips, including access to the only Contributor Marketplace that gives 100 percent of the commission back to the artists.
Videoblocks releases new content bimonthly, and members receive access to this new content at no additional cost. This is fantastic and how it should be. But Videoblocks, again, goes above and beyond with its policy on downloading content: once you’ve downloaded a video clip, After Effect, or motion background, it’s yours to keep and use forever.

For the content creator, a Videoblocks subscription is like a painter having access to every possible color they’d want to use. Start today and receive a free 7-day trial that includes all the benefits above. Videoblocks is used and beloved by huge content creators, including National Geographic, ABC, NBC, the Travel Channel, MTV, and more. Join them today.