Hans: Screen Deodorant for Your iPhone

Conner Carey profile image
By Conner Carey
May 27, 2021

“Hello, My Name is Hans,” says the packaging for what appears to be a small stick of deodorant. Made to clean your iPhone screen, when I first got Hans ($14.99) in the mail, I laughed. Yet, after using it, I got really happy. If you’re the type of person that hates dirt and fingerprints on your screen, Hans is about to be your new best friend.

Hans is a simple, all-in-one cleaner for smartphones, tablets, and touchscreens. I love Hans; it’s dual sided, which means one end cleans and the other end swipes. It takes two seconds and my phone looks brand new afterward. My coworkers and I have taken to calling it our phone deodorant. It looks silly, but definitely does the job. Personally, I’ve never kept one of those annoying micro-fiber cloths, but if I did, I’d throw it away for Hans. There is something extremely satisfying about swiping it across my screen, as though I’m moving sand in a miniature Zen garden. For the neat-freak in all of us, give Hans screen cleaner a try.


  • Screen looks like new afterward

  • Quick and easy

  • Small and portable


  • Looks like a stick of deodorant

Overall: This isn't something I would have thought to buy, but using it is oddly delightful. I highly reccomend it for touchscreen users who can't stand dirt and fingerprints covering their devices. Hans is available via its website or Amazon.

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written by

Conner Carey

Conner Carey's writing can be found at conpoet.com. She is currently writing a book, creating lots of content, and writing poetry via @conpoet on Instagram. She lives in an RV full-time with her mom, Jan and dog, Jodi as they slow-travel around the country. 

Learn about Conner

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