Privacy, Security & You
Thank you to everyone who joined our free introductory class on privacy and security on February 22. There were a lot of you—over 13,000 signed up for the course! If you missed the live class, never fear; you can catch a replay here. If you enjoyed this free lesson and want to know more, you can claim 30% off an Insider subscription and catch the next installment in our privacy and security course, which will air on March 1 at 4:30 PM ET. This class will cover browsers, VPNs, and search engines.
In the meantime, please enjoy this week's free tips. We'll be covering sharing your library with the Apple Books app, retracing your steps with the Apple Watch, and more. Until next time, stay safe out there in cyberland!
Privacy, Security & You
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our introductory class on privacy and security on February 22. If you missed the live class, never fear; you can catch a replay here. If you enjoyed this lesson and want to know more, make sure to catch Lesson 2, which will air on March 1 at 4:30 PM EST. This class will cover browsers, VPNs, and search engines.
In the meantime, please enjoy this week's free tips. We'll be covering sharing your library with the Apple Books app, retracing your steps with the Apple Watch, and more. As always, if you have any questions about your Apple devices, reach out to our experts; they'll be happy to help. Until next time, stay safe out there in cyberland!