A Lifetime of Great iPhone Life Content
Happy Sunday, Reader! Today is the last day you can sign up for a lifetime subscription to iPhone Life Insider! For less than the cost of a two-year subscription, you get unlimited access to all Insider content, indefinitely. This includes video tips, all of our in-depth Apple guides, live courses with expert instructors, and one-on-one help with your Apple device questions from our team. Claim your lifetime subscription here (we're offering an extra $100 off for seniors).
But you don't have to be an Insider to take advantage of our free daily tips. Stick around next week, when we'll share tips on medication tracking with your iPhone, the iPad floating keyboard, and more. I'll see you then!
Happy December!
Hello Insider, and welcome to the last month of 2022. Time may be running out on the year, but we've still got lots of great content coming your way. Our new and improved iPad Guide will be available soon as part of your Insider subscription, and of course, we'll have more great tips for you every day.
Stick around next week, when we'll share tips on medication tracking with your iPhone, the iPad floating keyboard, and more. As always, if you have any questions about your Apple devices, reach out to our experts; they'll be happy to help. Until next time, enjoy your week!