Test Your Security Knowlege

What should you do in the following scenario?

You receive an email from a close friend: "Check out this commentary on the latest match!" There is a PDF file attached. When opened, the PDF says it's encrypted and can't be read without a special program to 'decrypt' the file.

  1. Download the program you need, but run your own antivirus scan to make sure it's safe.
  2. Grab that free online PDF decrypter tool linked in the PDF. You never know when you might need to decrypt another PDF file!
  3. Delete the email and the file, warn your friend that their account may be compromised and that if they opened the PDF, they likely have malware installed on their device.

See how you did here!

Security Skills Answer

If you guessed "C," then you made the right call by deleting the email and file. The first red flag you successfully identified was the PDF file, as they are often exploited by hackers and scammers. But the red alert was being asked to install a random app you've never heard of! Any time a website or email asks you to install something unexpected, it's time to put up your dukes. Good job! Your cyber-fu is strong.

If you guessed "B," then you probably just installed an infostealer malware and you're going to have a bad time for a while.

"A" is the start of a good idea, but the problem is that malware is not always recognized by malware scanners. There is a constant arms-race between the malware scanners and the malware creators, and the most recent malware is always designed to avoid detection.