WWDC 2019 Rumors: What New iOS 13 Features Will Apple Announce?

In the 111th episode of the iPhone Life Podcast, tune in as Sarah and David review all of the iOS 13 features we’re expecting Apple to unveil for the iPhone and iPad on June 3 at the Worldwide Developers Conference. And tune in next week on June 3 for our special post-WWDC episode where we'll discuss everything Apple announces.
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This episode was brought to you by Fanatic and Hyper. Informant 5 from Fanatic is the best calendar app and task manager you’ll find to help you manage both your work and personal life. Manage projects with tasks and notes, sync your calendar among all your devices, get a user-friendly 30-day calendar view, and much more. The HyperDrive connects your iPad Pro to everything you need to stay connected. With its USB-C, USB-A, HDMI, and SD to Micro SD ports, this hub has all the connective power you need to take your iPad Pro to the next level.
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Question of the week:
Do you use Dark Mode on the Mac, what do you think of it? What new features do you want to see apple announce for iOS 13, watchOS 6, and macOS 10.15? Email podcasts@iphonelife.com to let us know.
Articles referred to in this episode:
- How to Make Bookmark Folders in Safari App
- WWDC 2019: What New iOS 13, watchOS 6 & macOS 10.15 Features Will Apple Announce?
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Transcript of episode 111:
David Averbach: Hello, and welcome to the 111th episode of iPhone Life Podcast. I'm David Averbach, CEO and Publisher.
Sarah Kingsbury: And I'm Sarah Kingsbury, Senior Web Editor.
David Averbach: Donna is out sick today, so Sarah and I will be holding down the fort, but we've got a really awesome show for you. We are going to go over the WWDC rumors coming up, because WWDC is next week. But first before we get started, I want to tell you a little bit about one of our sponsors for this episode, Fanatic. So Fanatic created an app called Informant, it's actually Informant 5 now, and it is the best calendar app out there.
David Averbach: And so, if you are someone who is still using Apple's Calendar app and are frustrated by the bad UI and how hard it is to use, checkout Informant 5. Part of what makes it great is Apple has a Reminders app and a Calendar app, and they're two separate unrelated apps. Well, Informant-
Sarah Kingsbury: For some reason.
David Averbach: For some reason. Informant has combined them into one app, which is how it should be because a lot of your reminders have a calendar element to it, and vice versa. Also, they just put a lot of attention to detail in terms of making it easy to use and user friendly. It's free to try. So make sure you check it out. You can look in the App Store for Informant 5, or we will link to it in our show notes at iphonelife.com/podcast.
David Averbach: Next up, let's talk about our Tip of the Day Newsletter. It is our free service. Every day we send you something cool you can do with your iPhone. And so, go to iphonelife.com/dailytips to subscribe. My favorite tip from this week is how to create bookmarks in Safari.
David Averbach: So I think I mentioned this, I switched from Chrome to Safari a couple of weeks ago, and I have been trying to optimize it. So this is a great tip for me because I have several folders, and I have one for work, one for personal and a few others. And so, to do that, let me tell you how to do it.
Sarah Kingsbury: To create a bookmark folder?
David Averbach: How to create a bookmark folder. Yeah. So you go to the Safari app, you tap on the Bookmark icon, and that looks like a book. Then you hit Edit, and then you hit New Folder. Then you can of course name the folder. Then you can manage it, so you can put your bookmarks in it, and then you are done. It's super easy. You can also of course do this from Safari on your computer, and that works pretty well as well.
Sarah Kingsbury: As long as you have iCloud enabled for Safari on your devices.
David Averbach: Yes, that's important, which leads us nicely to our Insider.
David Averbach: So for next up we want to tell you a little bit about iPhone Life Insider. This is our premium subscription. In addition to getting a tip every day, we send you a video with that tip, and it makes it super easy to follow. We have in-depth video guides. We have a digital subscription to the magazine, and we have extended versions of the podcast. Of course, we have the ability to ask us questions about your iPhone.
David Averbach: So Sarah's going to tell us about her favorite question, but before she does, if you want to subscribe, make sure you go to iphonelife.com/podcast, and we actually have a discount for you. If you go to iphonelife.com/podcast will link to this discount, but I'll tell you right now it's iphonelife.com/podcastdiscount, and that will take you to give you $5 off to subscribe.
David Averbach: Sarah, what was your favorite question for this week?
Sarah Kingsbury: So I got a question that I thought was really important just because I use this feature so much on my own devices. The question was, "How do I get my passwords that I've saved on my iPad, my website and app passwords to also be on my iPhone?" Right? So this Insider is referring to a Keychain, which is Apple's password manager that manages your passwords, saves them across your devices.
Sarah Kingsbury: So you can instead of trying to remember them, just auto fill them, and also suggests strong passwords, which is really important and alerts you, for instance, if you're using the same password because that's makes your accounts more vulnerable. But in order to use that across your devices, you have to have it set up to do that. So here's how. You need to enable Keychain, which is what it's called, in your iCloud settings on both of your iPhone and your iPad.
David Averbach: If you have a Mac, I recommend doing it for your Mac as well.
Sarah Kingsbury: Right. Pretty much any device you're using the Safari app on. And so, the steps to do this are the same on both your iPhone and your iPad. If you're on a Mac, you'd go to the Apple Preferences, iCloud and do it there. But for your iPhone and iPad, you open the Settings app, you tap your name at the top of the Settings menu, your name, your Apple ID, and then you tap iCloud.
Sarah Kingsbury: If Keychain doesn't already say, On, in the menu list that appears there, you tap on that, and you toggle iCloud Keychain on. Then any other device you have iCloud Keychain on that you're signed into the same iCloud account will have all of your passwords for all your accounts and apps.
David Averbach: This was one of my favorite features of actually why I switched Safari is because it makes password management super easy, and it actually works for third-party apps as well. A lot of times Apple, if you use the web version on your computer and then you open up the third-party app, it'll know the password.
David Averbach: So it's super convenient. It makes it really easy to have secure passwords and have Apple pretty much just take care of all of it. So make sure you have it set up because it's worth it. It's easy. Make sure you subscribe to iPhone Life insider. Next step. It looks like we have ... oh we don't have any comments from our listeners, so let's get to the main topic.
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah. So WWDC, if you've been listening to our podcast for a while is Apple's annual worldwide developer's conference. Is this the 30th one? I think it might be.
David Averbach: Oh man, I lost track, but a lot of them.
Sarah Kingsbury: Don't take my word for it, but it might be. Generally this is the biggest announcement that Apple does besides the iPhone announcement, but it's instead of hardware focused, it's software focused. So this is when we're going to find out what features Apple is going to include and IOS 13 when it releases that in the fall. But also watchOS, Apple tvOS and the Mac one, which we don't cover too much, but there are some exciting developments with Mac OS that will affect your IOS devices, so we're going to talk about that too.
David Averbach: Great. So let's hear it. What's the latest IOS 13 rumors?
Sarah Kingsbury: So I just kind of did a list of the rumors I'm most excited about. One is dark mode. People have been loving that since it was added to Mac OS, I think it was Mojave.
David Averbach: Yeah.
Sarah Kingsbury: And so, we should be getting it on our iPhones and iPads, which will make it a lot easier to use our iPhones in low light. But also, sometimes people just prefer that background. It makes it easier to just focus on the text, as opposed to all the different menu options and other things.
David Averbach: I wish Donna was here because Donna has made the switch to dark mode. So first of all, dark mode basically by default all of the apps pretty much have a white background. If you open up Notes it's going to be a light colored background. In Mail it's a white background, Calendar's white. So dark mode basically means by default the background for all of those is dark, and then that makes the text color usually white. I haven't loved it, but a lot of people do. Have you used it?
Sarah Kingsbury: A little bit. To be honest, I just updated my Mac, so I haven't had a chance to really ... because my older Mac couldn't do that. So I haven't had a chance to really explore it, but I am excited too because it's just nice to not have your ... I feel like my eyes are being stabbed by the brightness of my screen sometimes.
David Averbach: Yeah. See I have the setting on my phone where at nighttime it makes my phone a little yellow and less bright, which I like.
Sarah Kingsbury: Oh yeah, like Night Shift?
David Averbach: Yeah.
Sarah Kingsbury: I love that.
David Averbach: I like Night Shift but dark mode, it's too dark. I don't know. I'd actually be curious to see if you guys have Mac, if you guys are using it. That can be our question of the day. Are you using dark mode on Mac and are you looking forward to it for iPhone? So send us that at podcast@iphonelife.com. Okay. So we have dark mode, and the other advantage you mentioned for dark mode is that it also saves some battery life, so that's nice.
Sarah Kingsbury: Right.
David Averbach: What else do we have?
Sarah Kingsbury: I guess, this is one that Donna added, the Reminders app and the Maps app are both getting updates. The Reminders app is actually going to have kind of a new UI. It's going to have instead of that weird list of your different types of reminders, there's going to be a main page with your different Scheduled and Flagged, and things like that. And so, I don't know, I really actually ... even though we were just dissing the Reminders app, I actually use it a fair amount. And so, I'm interested to see how this will change or effect the way that I use it.
David Averbach: Yeah, I use it quite a bit too, and there's a simplicity to it that I'd be worried that they would ruin, but we'll see.
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah. I mean, at this point I actually don't use it for reminders in a way that's super useful, I mostly use it for my shopping list.
David Averbach: Yeah. I have my groceries list. I have recurring reminders.
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah. I have one for giving my dogs their heartworm preventative and watering my plants.
David Averbach: I have one for taking out the trash. Okay. So we have a reminder.
Sarah Kingsbury: That's an important one.
David Averbach: It is. I forget, and then I have to wait a week and it's sad. What else?
Sarah Kingsbury: So I guess, I hadn't really heard any Maps app ones, so maybe I should skip that one. I think it's just going to have just more better features, but the usual kind of things. You know, maybe I'll save this for complaints. I have a complaint about the Map app.
David Averbach: Okay.
Sarah Kingsbury: So Find my Friends and Find my iPhone are supposed to be getting combined into a single app-
David Averbach: Interesting. Interesting.
Sarah Kingsbury: ... which makes a lot of sense, because they are kind of doing the same thing, and only one you're searching for the person and the other you're searching for the device, so why not have them [crosstalk 00:10:50]?
David Averbach: That makes sense.
Sarah Kingsbury: I'm really excited about the Mail app updates because you'll be able to mute threads, you'll be able to mark emails to be read later. Although, I usually just flag the ones I want to read later. This is the most exciting one, you can block contacts.
David Averbach: Ooh, I like that.
Sarah Kingsbury: So of course all, of these are rumors, not fact, but I'm just going to assume that's definitely happening because I'm very excited about it.
David Averbach: So what does it mean to mute a thread?
Sarah Kingsbury: It means basically if you've been going back and forth in an email, that you can just mute it and stop getting notifications about it, if you get email notifications.
David Averbach: Oh, I see. So that's muting a thread in terms of the notifications for it. Okay. See, I have my notifications turned off all the time.
Sarah Kingsbury: I mean, I might be misunderstanding it, it could just be that it won't even really be showing up in your inbox, but that's a little weird. You'd want to be able to find it later.
David Averbach: We'll see.
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah. Another exciting thing is it seems like Apple's ... A lot of these updates are to make the iPad much better for work, because the last iPad announcement, Apple was basically saying, "This is your new laptop." So one really exciting thing is we'll be able to have multiple windows open for the same app. And so, that would be really cool.
David Averbach: Like for multitasking?
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah.
David Averbach: So you could have side by side Safari or something?
Sarah Kingsbury: Or you can do what they're calling, stacks, where you can sort of stack your different windows and then pull them up to work on them or dismiss them.
David Averbach: Interesting.
Sarah Kingsbury: Kind of like the Safari tabs you do.
David Averbach: I mean, when the iPad Pro came out, I wrote a whole article about how it's a great iPad, but that you can't use it for work or as a laptop replacement, in my opinion. I got a lot of emails agreeing with me, and a lot of emails disagreeing with me, so it's controversial, but that's my opinion. I would love it if that were not true anymore.
David Averbach: I'm a little skeptical because Apple's been working at this for a while. I'm sure it'll be a useful upgrade. I'll be very surprised if it turns it into a laptop replacement, but that definitely is multitasking, despite the fact that they added features called multitasking, is one of the main reasons why I struggle to use my iPad as a laptop replacement. So if they have some nice UI changes for that, that'd go a long way.
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah. One thing I do with my iPad to make it work better as a laptop replacement is my keyboard, I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts so that I can easily switch between apps without having to even sort of swipe up and open all the different screens and stuff.
David Averbach: What are some of your favorite keyboard shortcuts?
Sarah Kingsbury: Command-Tab.
David Averbach: Yeah. I love Command-Tab. I love it for [inaudible 00:13:37] too. So Command-Tab is a way to easily switch between your recently used apps without having to open up the multitask or the app switcher on the tablet.
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah. So you just do Command-Tab and that will bring you to the most recent one that you used. But if you keep holding and press Tab again, it will take you through the whole list of open apps. You don't have to just switch back and forth between. Also, Command, what is that?
David Averbach: Tilde.
Sarah Kingsbury: Tilde.
David Averbach: I love that.
Sarah Kingsbury: That one's awesome too because that lets you switch between windows in the same app, which I'm assuming we'd also be able to use in the iPad, and that's exciting.
David Averbach: Yeah. I was just getting ready to say that. I use that on the Mac a lot because if I have say, a bunch of different windows open within an app, like in Safari or in Excel or something, you can switch between those with Command-Tilde. That would be now a feature that would work on the iPad and IOS 13 if they did this change.
Sarah Kingsbury: I get really frustrated when I'm showing something to someone on their computer, and so they're navigating and they're just dragging their mouse and clicking on things. I'm like, "No, Command-Tab. Command-Tilde."
David Averbach: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I do the same thing. I'm always like, "Have you heard of Command-Tab?"
Sarah Kingsbury: Change your life. So another thing is for the iPad is, it's possible that newest iPad Pro, we'll get mouse support.
David Averbach: Wow. That would be a game changer to me.
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah, I don't know. I'm a little skeptical, but I'm open to it. It's an exciting development if it happens.
David Averbach: Because I mean, the thing that I've been saying for a while is that the hardware for the iPad is good enough to support work functionality. It's a software. One of the main things is having full computer user interface, which is like Mac OS, and mouse support is definitely a big part of that. Being able to use a mouse adds a lot of ease of use in terms of navigating all these different windows.
David Averbach: So adding windows, the ability to have different things open within one app, and then adding mouse support, it's getting pretty close. But it's also getting pretty close to ... It's funny because Apple's swearing that they're never going to do a computer interface for an iPad, and then they're slowly adding these features that makes it more and more computer like.
Sarah Kingsbury: And so, you're going to be interested in the Mac OS rumors that I have for you?
David Averbach: Okay. Let's hear it.
Sarah Kingsbury: Well, I'm not done with the iPhone.
David Averbach: Okay. Okay. Okay.
Sarah Kingsbury: So another update that I'm excited about is they're supposed to be moving the Accessibility settings menu. It's currently buried within the General settings, but I find I don't even need accessibility features except for there are some that I like, but I go to that menu often enough that's kind of a pain. They're going to move it into the main settings menu, which I think is a great idea.
David Averbach: They also put a lot of features or settings within Accessibility that are just kind of more general features, which is interesting, which is I guess it makes sense why they put it under General then. But it is weird because a lot of the settings you put there, they don't really have that much to do with accessibility really.
Sarah Kingsbury: I don't know maybe, but I think that they're not limited to that. And so, if it's buried like that, a lot of people don't even know that they have the options to do those things.
David Averbach: Yeah. No, I like pulling it out as more of a side, as to why I go there pretty regularly too.
Sarah Kingsbury: Another thing that Apple is going to be doing is ... well they're adding hearing health tracking to their health tracking options. As part of that there's going to be better hearing integration.
David Averbach: Oh, cool.
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah, which I think is really important. Then you'll be happy to know that according to the rumors, Siri will be getting the ability to distinguish between different voices for your HomePod.
David Averbach: I'm very happy to hear that, and it's about time. Okay, cool.
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah, and this is probably related, Siri will be better able to filter out ambient noise so it can understand you better.
David Averbach: Oh, good. So the reason why Sarah's telling me that I'm happy about that is, it's been one of my major complaints about the HomePod is it has ... the advantage of the HomePod of course, is it's a smart speaker, so you can do things like text from it or read your texts, or you can schedule ... I think you can schedule Calendar now.
Sarah Kingsbury: I don't know.
David Averbach: There's a lot of different features on there that you can use Siri to use, but there are major security concerns if you have it in a public location in your house. And so, having the ability to tell who's speaking means I could then you use it for texting, but my partner's six-year-old could not, for example, which seems important.
David Averbach: And so, right now you're in a situation where you can either turn that feature off altogether and then it's not a very smart, smart speaker, or you leave it on and you're taking the risk that anybody who walks by could listen to your text messages or send a text message.
Sarah Kingsbury: It's the main reason I don't have my ... I have my HomePod in my bedroom because I have a teenager at home, and she has other teenage friends over and they're mostly just really nice, respectful kids, but I can see them messing with my texting.
David Averbach: Yeah. It feels a little funny and I've had a few times when my partner's six-year-old has gone and sent text messages with Siri and the outcomes were funny, but you don't want to go there.
Sarah Kingsbury: Right. So as far as watchOS goes-
David Averbach: Okay. So we're wrapping up iPhone?
Sarah Kingsbury: Right.
David Averbach: That's it for iPhone.
Sarah Kingsbury: They are actually a whole lot more things. This is just a quick summary of them. I did a roundup of the WWDC rumors that's on our website right now, and I'll link to it in the show notes, but that was also based two outlets, 9to5mac and Bloomberg, both were the ones who were able to get the best sort of rumor scoops. So I recommend checking those out as well. Those articles are linked to in my article.
David Averbach: Can I tell you what I'm hoping we get, and I talk about it literally for five years now? Can you guess what it is?
Sarah Kingsbury: No.
David Averbach: It's multiuser management for IOS.
Sarah Kingsbury: Oh yes, absolutely. For at least to the iPad.
David Averbach: At least for the iPad, but even for the iPhone, you need to have a guest to login or have the ability to have different people have different logins. They've had this from Mac for years. It's the same problem where my partner's six-year-old likes to use my phone in the car to play games. But then he has complete access to my phone, and he can send text messages, which he loves to do. Now he can read, and he can read all the text messages and emails, and there's so many privacy concerns there, that really if you have it for Mac, I don't know why they don't have it for IOS.
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah, I agree.
David Averbach: So we'll see. Maybe that'll happen, but I doubt it because I've been wanting it for years.
David Averbach: So before we move on to the other devices, I want to take a second and tell you about our second sponsor, which is Hyper. So one of the things we've been talking about is the iPad and using it for work, and while the UI can be limiting, Apple did add something really cool, which is a USB-C drive or USB-C plug, I should say.
David Averbach: And so, what Hyper has come up with is basically a dock that you put into your iPad that allows you to use it with third-party devices. So actually over the weekend we had somebody come post in our Facebook group of, "How do I transfer photos from my Nikon camera to my iPad?" The answer is this dock.
David Averbach: And so, what this dock has, is it has, first of all it has a headphone jack, which is really nice, but it also has a spot for a micro SD card, so you can transfer photos back and forth from a camera. It has a spot for standard USB. It's got pretty much all the different ports you would want to be able to use your computer to connect to devices.
David Averbach: So it's by HYPER. We will link to it in the show notes if you go to iphonelife.com/podcast. Also, it's a product we love, and it won a Best of CES award, iPhone CES award. So make sure you check it out.
David Averbach: Okay Sarah. So we're just about to talk about Apple Watch, right?
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah, watchOS 6. So it looks like with the updates, the rumored updates that what Apple is trying to do is make the watch even more independent from the iPhone. I mean, now we have cellular data, and so people have been able to make calls and do things like that. We have better Siri with the iPhone, I mean, with the Apple Watch, but now the Apple Watch is supposed to be getting its own App Store app.
Sarah Kingsbury: So you could download apps directly to your Apple Watch, and also just like the last time we got podcasts, now we're going to get books. So you can download an audio book directly to your Apple Watch and listen to it without having to bring your phone. Also, we're expected to get Voice Memos and Calculator.
David Averbach: Very cool.
Sarah Kingsbury: Then of course, there will be more watch faces and complications and things like that.
David Averbach: So you'll be able to have an app that's a standalone app that works on your Apple Watch, but does not have a companion app on the iPhone basically?
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah.
David Averbach: Interesting.
Sarah Kingsbury: And you can download it. Previously you always had to download things on your iPhone.
David Averbach: Oh, so you could download it directly from your Apple Watch to your Apple Watch?
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah. You can access the App Store from your watch-
David Averbach: Very cool. Very cool.
Sarah Kingsbury: ... which you've never been able to do before. So that's the rumors for the watch.
David Averbach: Okay.
Sarah Kingsbury: Now for Mac 0S, I'm not going to talk about all the rumors, but the one that I'm most interested in is Apple's developer kit Marzipan, which just like Apple has done, some of the native apps, I think it was Stocks and Voice Memos, they made them cross-platform so that you could use them on both Mac and your iPad and iPhone. They've now made it possible for third-party developers to do that as well. So that's pretty exciting, the idea, you can have cross-platform apps. Some of them rumors were even saying eventually we'll just have one unified App Store where most of the apps could be used on all your devices.
David Averbach: That's cool.
Sarah Kingsbury: I think that's a little ways down the road, but I'm excited by all the different types of integration we're seeing.
David Averbach: Yeah, there are slowly emerging operating systems here, but I mean I love it. I've been a fan of that from the beginning, as it seems being able to have features that go cross-platform is really important. So I'm glad Apple is moving in that direction, even if they said they wouldn't.
Sarah Kingsbury: So which of these rumors are you most excited about David? What do you think it says about the direction that Apple is heading with their devices?
David Averbach: I mean, I'll be really interested to see, I mean first of all it definitely ... everything we're hearing is moving in the direction we just said, kind of cross-platform functionality, which I'm excited about. The other thing that I'm not hearing is big, fancy, new features. So in some ways it feels like Apple is heading in the direction of Polish right now, as opposed to one of those times when they redesigned the IOS from the ground up, like IOS 7 or IOS 11 did that a little bit. So I'm happy about that because I get nervous when I hear major, big redesigns.
Sarah Kingsbury: It's always so painful for the first three to six months.
David Averbach: Yeah, exactly. I don't know, that's my thoughts on it is everything I'm hearing, all of those features sound fine. But none of them are like, "Oh my God, I'm so excited. Can't wait." What about you?
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah, they all sound fine. I kind of find in general the updates that make me the happiest, even if I'm not the most excited about them because they don't have the wow factor, are just the ones that really refine the way the iPhone or the watch works. So that it's just like a much smoother, more convenient, just experience. I think that there will be a lot of this, the combination of the apps and the addition of new sort of features and interfaces. I'm excited about it.
David Averbach: Yeah, I'm excited. I'll be really curious to see what they do with ... because a lot of times they have a big, new feature that those are often the ones that don't necessarily leak. So we'll see. Also, one of the things to look for too is oftentimes at WWDC with the software updates, they're giving you hints as to what that hardware updates will come in the fall.
Sarah Kingsbury: Right.
David Averbach: So it'll be interesting to get some hints in terms of where Apple's going with software, because that often leads to new hardware or hardware changes.
Sarah Kingsbury: Right. Speaking of WWDC, it's next week on June 3rd. The keynote will be broadcast. That's how they kickoff WWDC. It's a week-long conference, but the part we care about the keynote where they announced all these software updates, that will take place at 10:00 AM Pacific Time. We'll be covering the announcement live in our Facebook group. Then immediately after David, Donna and I, will be kind of giving you our take. So we'll see if these rumors and our opinion about them actually pan out. So you can tune in next week. So instead of every other week, we'll have two podcasts in a row.
David Averbach: Back-to-back podcasts. Donna will be back. So if you guys are on any of our mailing lists, you will get an email telling you all this, but if not, or just preemptively make sure you are in our Facebook group because we will be doing live commentary throughout the entire announcement. I think it'll be Donna and I will be doing that. And so, we will be giving you live commentary. Then immediately after, like Sarah was saying, make sure you look for our podcast because that'll be fun.
Sarah Kingsbury: Right. If you have any questions while you're watching the podcast, you can ask those questions in the iPhone Life group, Facebook group, and really address them in the podcast as well.
David Averbach: Yeah, and we welcome you guy's input as well in the Facebook group. A lot of times people see Donna and I giving live commentary and they think, "Okay, well I'm not supposed to comment." Feel free to comment, join the conversation.
Sarah Kingsbury: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, we spend a lot of time sort of thinking about Apple, but that doesn't mean ... I mean, sometimes a reader will write in with a totally different perspective and I'm like, "Oh yeah, yeah, that makes a lot of sense." So it's really great to get that back and forth with our readers and listeners if you're listening to the podcast, because you get so focused on little things, it kind of expands your worldview, and we have some really smart listeners and readers.
David Averbach: Absolutely. With that in mind, I'd like to expand our question of the week. Our first question of the week was, "Do you use dark mode on your Mac? Are you looking forward to it?" But I'd be curious here. Is there any features in particular that you guys are hoping to hear from at WWDC or looking forward to that we just announced?
Sarah Kingsbury: I knew you were going to end up having to add that question.
David Averbach: I know. I did too, podcastiphonelife.com.
David Averbach: This wraps up our episode unless you are an Insider, in which case we'll have some bonus content for you. If you're not an Insider, make sure you go subscribe. If you are an Insider, stick around and we're going talk about complaints and learning of the week. Everyone else, thanks so much for listening.
Sarah Kingsbury: Thanks everyone.

Sarah Kingsbury
As the Editorial Director at iPhone Life, Sarah Kingsbury manages the online editorial team and oversees all website content. She is a long-time Apple enthusiast who never goes anywhere without her Apple Watch and owns way too many HomePods. Since joining iPhone Life in 2013, Sarah has done everything from writing hundreds of how-to articles to founding the Daily Tip newsletter. She even co-hosted the early episodes of the iPhone Life Podcast. When not at work, Sarah can be found hiking in the mountains and canyons around Las Vegas, where she lives with her partner and dogs.