Learn with iPhone Life Courses

Learn how to attend our live online courses that are included with your Insider subscription and how to browse the course library.

View Upcoming Courses and Join a Live Course

Learn how to view upcoming courses and how to join a live course. As part of your subscription, we offer live instructional video sessions hosted by expert instructors with a focus on apps, devices, and other tech topics. Follow along with us live and ask questions if you have them.

  • To start, log in to your Insider account at insider.iphonelife.com.
  • Using the navigation menu at the top, open the Courses tab.
  • At the top of this page, you’ll see current and upcoming courses in the Coming Soon section.
  • If you click a course, you will see an outline of what will be covered along with the specific dates and times of the live sessions.
  • Important note! There’s no enrolling or registering, you’ll just want to mark your calendar for that date and time.
  • Click one of the course session titles, and you'll be taken to the page where you can watch that session and participate in the chat.
  • Shortly before a class, we'll send you an email with a link to the correct page on Insider to watch the upcoming session. You can join via your email, or alternatively you can log in to your Insider account and navigate to the Courses page to join the live session.
  • When the course is live, you’ll see a play button appear in the video frame, click it to start watching.
  • The video player is sometimes muted by default. To unmute, look for a crossed-out speaker icon near the video player's bottom-left corner and click it. Hovering this icon should reveal a volume control slider. If you still can't hear anything, check that your speakers are on and your system volume is turned up.
  • We recommend watching on a Mac or Windows device to take advantage of their larger screens. The small screens on mobile devices can make it difficult to see what the instructor is doing, and will also not allow you to view the chat and the live stream at the same time.
  • If you missed a course or couldn’t follow along, you can always review a recording of any of our live sessions after the fact right there on that same page.
  • Now you know how to join any of our live courses or workshops!

View Past Courses and Workshops

In this video, learn how to watch any course or workshop in the Insider library.

  • Start by logging into your Insider account at insider.iphonelife.com and navigating to the Courses tab.
  • At the top of this page, you’ll see upcoming courses. If you scroll down to Course Library, you can see all of our past courses available for review.
  • If you click or tap one of these topics, it’ll open a page describing the course.
  • Click the lesson titles to see exactly what we covered in each session, and to view the recording of the session. Most of our sessions also include a record of the live chat messages in the Chat tab. This way you can watch back and follow along at your own pace.
  • Be sure to check out all of our courses; these are an incredible resource!
  • Now you know how to review past courses and workshops.