Sat, 08/06/2022 - 19:00 - Editors Summary

Daily Tip Date: 
Sunday, August 7, 2022
Editors Message: 

The Dog Days of Summer

Happy Sunday, Reader,

I only recently realized that the "dog days of summer," which stretch from July 3 to August 11 this year, describe an astronomical phenomenon associated with the heliacal rise of Sirius--the dog star. The Ancient Greeks associated this season with extreme heat, blight, lethargy, and disease. Homer called it "an evil portent, bringing heat / And fevers to suffering humanity." And here I was just thinking it was a cute saying about, well, literal hot dogs. Hopefully, last week's tips on scanning QR codes and making yourself into a memoji did not bring you fevers and suffering.

Next week, we'll close out this inauspicious season with tips on how to use--appropriately--hot corners on your Mac and set up the Walking Steadiness feature in the Health app, plus a whole lot more. I'll see you then!

Insider Editors Message: 

The Dog Days of Summer

Happy Sunday, Insider,

I only recently realized that the "dog days of summer," which stretch from July 3 to August 11 this year, describe an astronomical phenomenon associated with the heliacal rise of Sirius--the dog star. The Ancient Greeks associated this season with extreme heat, blight, lethargy, and disease. Homer called it "an evil portent, bringing heat / And fevers to suffering humanity." And here I was just thinking it was a cute saying about, well, literal hot dogs. Hopefully, last week's tips on scanning QR codes and making yourself into a memoji did not bring you fevers and suffering.

Next week, we'll close out this inauspicious season with tips on how to use--appropriately--hot corners on your Mac and set up the Walking Steadiness feature in the Health app, plus a whole lot more. As always, if you have any questions about your Apple devices, reach out to our experts; they'll be happy to help. I'll see you then!

August Garry's picture