How to Hide Photos on iPhone

Do you have photos on your iPhone that you want to keep private? Here's how to hide photos on iPhone.

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By Rheanne Taylor
January 18, 2022

Here's how to hide pictures you want to keep private in the Photos app on iPhone. Hidden photos are still visible in the Hidden album in the Albums tab. Here’s how to hide photos on iPhone.

Related: How to Hide Photos on Your iPhone (Updated for iOS 15)

Why You'll Love This Tip

  • Keep private photos out of your Photos app Library.
  • Learn to unhide photos when they no longer need to be private.

How to Hide Photos on iPhone

Apple has an easy way for you to hide photos on iPhone from prying eyes. For more great iPhone privacy settings tutorials, check out our free Tip of the Day. Now, here's how to hide photos on iPhone:

  1. Open the Photos app. iphone photos app
  2. Tap the photo or photos you want to hide, then tap the Share icon. tap the share icon
  3. Tap Hide. tap hide photo
  4. Confirm by tapping Hide Photo. confirm hide photo

Once you select Hide, another bubble will pop up, informing you that your photo will be hidden, but can be found in the Hidden album in the Albums tab. This is unfortunate, as it means that finding your “hidden” photos will be a breeze for anyone searching through your phone; however, if you’re merely worried about people flipping through the rest of your pictures after you pull up an image to show them, then just be sure that you are showing them your pictures in Photos rather than Albums and you will feel safer.

How to Unhide Your Photos on iPhone

If you don't need to hide a photo on iPhone any longer, here's how to unhide it:

  1. Open the Photos app, tap the Albums tab, then scroll down and tap Hidden. tap the hidden album
  2. Tap the photo you want to unhide, then tap the Share icon. tap the share icon
  3. Tap Unhide. tap unhide

If you liked this tip, you may want to learn how to hide photos on iPhone in your Featured Photos.

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Rheanne Taylor

Rheanne Taylor is the Video Production Manager of iPhone Life. In her 10+ years at the company, she has produced hundreds of educational videos showing people how to get the most out of their iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macs. Rheanne holds a bachelor’s degree in Literature & Writing and has 11+ years of experience in photography and video work, which she enjoys utilizing in her how-to videos. When she isn’t overseeing video content, Rheanne loves drinking tea, taking lots of photos, and hanging out with her Instagram famous cat Wesley (IG: wesley_the_pirate_cat)
Learn about Rheanne

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