Capture the Story of Your Life in One Second a Day with 1SE App

1SE is a video-diary app that allows you to save one second videos of each day. The app will then automatically string all of those memories together to create a movie collection of your life. You can view them anytime or at the end of a year to reflect. It’s any easy yet beautiful way to capture and appreciate a little something from each day you live. With the latest update, you can add two one-second snippets to each day, as well as add journal notes and record your mood. The added features make this both the perfect keepsake and journaling app. Learn more on what 1SE does and why we love it below.
1 Second Everyday: Video Diary ($4.99)
What It Does
When you first open the app, it will walk you through a quick tutorial. Once you’re in, the main screen will show the coming days and those that have passed. You can tap on the current day or any day prior to add a snippet. When you select a day, it will show you the media you captured on that day. So you can even go back in time and add snippets with the media you created. You can add up to two snippets and they can be either a video or photo. When you’re adding a snippet, you can also tap the pencil or smiley face icons on the left sidebar. The pencil icon gives you a place to journal and the smiley face icon allows you to choose a mood for that day.
Once you’ve got a some snippets saved, tap the play button in the lower right screen. You have many options for which snippets to play. You can play all, play your favorites only, choose a timeline of snippets to view, and more. Once you tap Continue, your seconds will begin to play. While the video is playing, you can pause and save the video to your Photos app. From there, you can share your moments across any platform. It’s good to note that once you buy the app, it’s paid for; there are no in-app ads or purchases to try up-sell you.
Why We Love It
Co-founder and CEO, Cesar Kuriyama started with this idea of capturing a second each day. He wanted to collect all the special bits of his life, and found that editing those seconds together in a montage prompts him to think about how he approaches each day. “This has really invigorated me, day-to-day when I wake up, to try and do something interesting with my day.” If you have eight minutes, I highly recommend watching his TED talk (video below). By collecting memories this way, Cesar is showing us a way to appreciate for the various levels in life. He speaks of capturing the difficult days alongside the beautiful ones, and the importance of doing so.
To me, this app is a modern scrapbook. You’re collecting small moments and memories, but they really add up in this beautiful way. The short sound bites also add a ton of charm and context to certain random moments. As we go through life, so many moments fall through the cracks in our brain, lost to time. While we can never remember everything (and probably wouldn’t want to), having this video reel of life brings me a sense of awe. It allows me to look back more clearly and see how I’ve grown as a person in ways I don’t always appreciate day-to-day.

Conner Carey
Conner Carey's writing can be found at She is currently writing a book, creating lots of content, and writing poetry via @conpoet on Instagram. She lives in an RV full-time with her mom, Jan and dog, Jodi as they slow-travel around the country.