Featured iUser: How Public Relations Specialist Lauren Mims Uses Her iPhone

In every issue of iPhone Life magazine, we feature the iPhone Home screens of people from different walks of life, so our readers can see how they use iPhone apps to meet a variety of needs. In our Winter 2019 issue, we featured public relations specialist Lauren Mims, who uses her iPhone for editing photos, social media marketing, and staying on top of her email accounts. If you have a story and apps you'd like to share, email me and we may feature you in an upcoming issue of the magazine!
Related: Featured iUser: How Magician & Clown Brandon Baglivo Uses His iPhone
Lauren Mims
Lauren Mims is a public relations specialist, social media influencer, and photographer in the outdoor lifestyle, travel, and women’s empowerment space. She runs a non-profit, Bad Bettie Project, a millennial-focused women’s club devoted to sisterhood and personal development.
Tadaa (Free)
I have an older iPhone, but thanks to this app, I can still enjoy the depth effect of Portrait Mode by applying a targeted blur to my photos.
Unsplash (Free)
If you’re a small business owner or social media marketer, you should be familiar with Unsplash. The app is a great resource of professional photos that you can download for free at will.
Google Drive (Free)
No entrepreneur should be caught without Google Drive. While many use Dropbox, Google Drive’s app is much more user-friendly and universal.
Snapseed (Free)
From minor lighting adjustments to targeted tools that let you make those highlights pop, Snapseed makes photo editing quick and easy while retaining quality.
Unfold (Free)
This is a great app for anyone who wants to take their Instagram Stories to the next level. Unfold provides beautiful, easy-to-use templates for you to pop photos and videos into, then seamlessly push them to Instagram.
VSCO (Free)
This staple among photo editing apps has been on the market for a long time providing tons of great premade filters and a publishing platform to share those photos on. I love it for more vibey shots.
myMail (Free)
If you’re anything like me, you’re glued to three or four email accounts. myMail makes managing multiple inboxes easy, plus, it’s free! You can plug in your various accounts and check whatever you need from wherever.
Later (Free)
This scheduling app allows you to draft and auto-post to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest for free. I love Later over other schedulers because of its media gallery, which is integrated cross-device.

Leanne Hays
Leanne Hays has over a dozen years of experience writing for online publications. As a Feature Writer for iPhone Life, she has authored hundreds of how-to, Apple news, and gear review articles, as well as a comprehensive Photos App guide. Leanne holds degrees in education and science and loves troubleshooting and repair. This combination makes her a perfect fit as manager of our Ask an Expert service, which helps iPhone Life Insiders with Apple hardware and software issues.
In off-work hours, Leanne is a mother of two, homesteader, audiobook fanatic, musician, and learning enthusiast.