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How to Turn Wi-Fi Assist Off on iPhone

What to Know

  • Wi-Fi Assist is a feature that uses your cellular data when your Wi-Fi connection is weak.
  • You can turn off Wi-Fi Assist from your iPhone's Wi-Fi settings if you have limited data.

When using Wi-Fi, if your connection is unreliable, your phone will automatically boost your signal using cellular data. This can be extremely helpful and save you the time of having to turn off the Wi-Fi. However, if you’re watching your data usage, you might want to turn Wi-Fi Assist off to avoid using extra data. Let's go over how to turn off Wi-Fi assist on iPhone.

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What Is Wi-Fi Assist on iPhone?

Wi-Fi Assist is a feature that ensures you can seamlessly use your device even when your Wi-Fi connection is weak. Your iPhone will automatically detect if your Wi-Fi connection is not working as efficiently as usual and automatically use your cellular data instead. You will likely never even notice when this feature is working, since Wi-Fi stays enabled even when your iPhone's Wi-Fi Assist starts using cellular. However, if you have limited data or a data cap, you might not want to use Wi-Fi Assist since this will end up using more data.

How to Turn Off Wi-Fi Assist

If you want to disable Wi-Fi Assist, it is relatively easy. Where is Wi-Fi Assist on your iPhone? You can find it in the Settings app. For more helpful iPhone tutorials, like how to create an iOS shortcut to turn off the Wi-Fi when leaving home, check out our free Tip of the Day newsletter. Now, here's how to turn Wi-Fi Assist off on your iPhone:

  1. Open the Settings app.

    iphone home screen with a red box around settings app
  2. Tap Cellular.

    iphone settings app with a red box around cellular
  3. Scroll down and tap the toggle next to Wi-Fi Assist.

    iphone cellular settings with a red box around wi-fi assist toggle which is green and toggled on
  4. When the toggle is gray, Wi-Fi Assist will be disabled.

    iphone cellular settings with a red box around wi-fi assist toggle which is gray and toggled off

That's how to turn off Wi-Fi Assist. Now, you can always ensure you stay connected to Wi-Fi, even when the signal is weak.


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