Rumor: Apple May Hold Special Event on February 24

There's not much to go on, and not many blogs have picked this up. Yet I pass it along, given that I'd love to think that Apple may be offering a special event soon. According to Tgaap, Apple may be holding a special event on February 24. They aren't clear on the date, though, nor on what will be announced. But their "research" suggests that Tim Cook will revisit the Apple Watch and may introduce yet new features. Plus, at that time he would announce the availability dates and pricing for all the various models. According to Tgaap, Apple itself hasn't yet settled on a specific date when the Apple Watch will be available. Which makes sense, given that it often depends on how smoothly mass production goes. And production has only recently begun. The post also says something unknown will be announced, possibly Apple Watch-related. In addition, Tgaap says Apple will announce a new entry-level MacBook Pro with retina display.
My take on this is: I'm betting we'll see an event, if not in February then probably in March. It would make sense that they'd have another event to launch the Apple Watch. Why not? It would get huge attention, and help jumpstart sales. When Apple announced the iPhone in January 2007, that was followed by a launch in June 2007 at the Worldwide Developers conference. It's been a while since Apple has held an event outside their regular cycle, and it'd certainly be fun to think that one is coming.

Jim Karpen
Jim Karpen holds a Ph.D. in literature and writing, and has a love of gizmos. His doctoral dissertation focused on the revolutionary consequences of digital technologies and anticipated some of the developments taking place in the industry today. Jim has been writing about the Internet and technology since 1994 and has been using Apple's visionary products for decades.