AppBox Pro is one of the apps that I mentioned previously I had purchased that I really like. I do not use it on a daily basis and I am still playing around with some of it, but as you will see below, there are a lot of handy utilities built in. This is like a mini toolbox of programs which reminds me of some of the add-ons that I had in my pocket pc days. The best part is that this app only costs $0.99. Below are the different components of what you can expect in this app.


On 2/17/10 the next version was released. This new version includes new springboard themes, new backrgound images and buttons graphics, a wallet app (which looks like you have to buy the security encryption key for it if you want via an in app purchase), Google talk, Google Docs, number pad with calculator, and a couple other items. Here are some of the updated images and screens.