How to Photo Search by Location on Your iPhone

Find the pictures you took on your last vacation or at a special event with this easy Photos search hack.

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By Leanne Hays
August 02, 2021

Apple's Photos app lets you photo search based on location, as well as with multiple search terms. Now, instead of scrolling through vacation pictures looking for the photos you took in a specific place, you can just search for that area, and all the pictures from that location will pop right up! Let's get started learning how to use this iPhone Photos search feature right now.

Related: How to Play Slideshows from the Photos App on iPhone

For this tip to work, you'll need to have turned on Location Services for the Camera and Photos apps.

To Search iPhone Photos by Location:

  1. Open the Photos app.
  2. Tap the Search icon (magnifying glass) at the bottom of your display to open the Search bar. fotos appiphone gallery
  3. Tap on the Search bar.
  4. Enter the location you'd like to find photos from. picture lookupphoto apps for iphone
  5. Tap on See All to see every picture from the location you searched for. picture places
  6. Discover Your iPhone’s Hidden Features

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Leanne Hays

Leanne Hays has over a dozen years of experience writing for online publications. As a Feature Writer for iPhone Life, she has authored hundreds of how-to, Apple news, and gear review articles, as well as a comprehensive Photos App guide. Leanne holds degrees in education and science and loves troubleshooting and repair. This combination makes her a perfect fit as manager of our Ask an Expert service, which helps iPhone Life Insiders with Apple hardware and software issues.
In off-work hours, Leanne is a mother of two, homesteader, audiobook fanatic, musician, and learning enthusiast.

Learn about Leanne

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