Did you know that your phone is 18 times dirtier than a public toilet? It’s true, unfortunately. Think about how many times per day you touch other things and then touch your phone. Now think about how many times per day your phone touches your face, or your hands travel from your phone to your eyes, nose, or mouth. It’s not a pleasant thought, is it? In this time of being extra vigilant about cleaning and sanitizing, it’s crucial to include high-touch objects like our phones in our disinfecting routines. PhoneSoap's innovative products are the ideal solution.
PhoneSoap’s UV sanitizing devices successfully kill 99.99% of viruses and bacteria on your phone. This includes those hard-to-reach spots that sanitizing wipes and alcohol can’t get to. It does all of this while preserving the protective coatings on your device, and while charging it as well!

If you’re really into sanitizing, you’ll likely be especially drawn to the fact that you can sanitize anything that fits inside the PhoneSoap’s already roomy device compartment. Keys, wallet, headphones, even pacifiers can be tucked inside and thoroughly disinfected! Some users even sanitize masks. Newer PhoneSoap Pro models are designed to fit all phone sizes, and to accommodate bulky phone cases as well.
So what happens inside that makes the magic happen? UV-C bulbs—which come with a lifetime warranty—emit light that’s reflected by the compartment so that it sanitizes all 360 degrees. In just 10 minutes (5 for new PhoneSoap Pro models) you’ll have a cleaner and safer device, sanitized at every angle by UV-C. At this point the light shuts off, but you can still leave your device inside if you’d like to continue charging it. Designers even took into account that most people use their phones as alarms; the patented technology includes acoustic considerations, so you’ll still hear your alarm in the morning if you leave it to charge overnight.
PhoneSoap’s impressive and colorful lineup includes standard models, pro models that offer more space and customization, and even models designed for the home or office, which sanitize larger products or the air. These larger air and home products are available for preorder with fast-approaching ship dates in September.