iPad or iPhone Charging Slowly? Here's Why & How to Fix It
By Amy Spitzfaden Both
iPad charging slow? What about your iPhone? Noticeable drops in device charging speed can not only be frustrating, but also cause for concern. Here are the reasons why your iPhone or iPad might be charging slowly, and how to fix them.
How to Clean iPhone Charging Port
By August Garry
If you're having trouble charging your iPhone, it might be because your Lightning port is dirty, gumming up the works and making it hard for your Lightning charger to connect to the port. In this guide, we'll show you how to clean your charging port without damaging it.
How to Use Focus Mode on iPhone
By Ashleigh Page
What to Know
- Focus modes allow you to stay productive and on-task by reducing distractions from your iPhone.
- You can quickly turn different Focus modes off and on from the Control Center.
- You can personalize your Focus modes and create custom Focuses by going into Settings > Focus.
Designed to help you better maintain a balanced lifestyle, Focus modes on iPhone allow you to silence certain notifications and restrict the appearance of distracting apps for set periods of time. Below, we'll go over what Focus mode is exactly, how to enable it, and how to customize your iPhone Focus Mode settings.
How to Find Screenshots on Mac
By Amy Spitzfaden Both
This article will tell you how to find screenshots on a Mac. Many of us have been in the position where we take a screenshot and then struggle to find where it went. This can be frustrating, especially if the file name starts with "screenshot," as that can make it difficult to search. Let's learn where to find screenshots on a Mac and how to change a screenshot location on a Mac.
How to Turn Off Netflix Subtitles & Closed Captions
By Amy Spitzfaden Both
This article will tell you how to turn off subtitles on Netflix. Subtitles and closed captions can be helpful on Netflix, whether you're watching a show in a foreign language or need and/or prefer closed captions. However, depending on who you are watching with, group or individual preferences might change, and some may find subtitles or closed captions distracting. Let's learn how to remove subtitles from Netflix.
How to Share Focus Modes across Devices
By August Garry
Focus modes let you customize different Do Not Disturb settings when you don't want to be bothered by notifications and messages. So why are you still getting notifications on your iPad when you turn on Focus for your iPhone? We'll show you how to turn on Share Across Devices in Focus mode with this quick setting.