iPhone Life - Best Apps, Top Tips, Great Gear
How to Use the Camera Level on iPhone
By Rachel Needell
A cool new feature added to the Camera app in iOS 17 is a level. It appears on the iPhone screen as you are taking your photo. The level will help you ensure that the photos you take are as straight as possible without obstructing too much of the picture while you're taking it. Here's how it works!
Securely Share Passwords with Friends & Family
By Rhett Intriago
If you and your family share certain accounts, like streaming services, sharing passwords is probably commonplace in your household. Thankfully, you now have the option to share passwords on your iPhone with trusted contacts.
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Do NOT upgrade to iOS 8 just because you can
By Todd Bernhard
Apple is great about making the latest operating system run on older equipment. But just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should! There are reports from iPhone 4S owners that suggest they might have been better off without upgrading.
Tip of the Day: How to Install iOS 8 on Your iDevice
By Sarah Kingsbury
If you've decided to update the software on your iPhone or other device, consider waiting until the initial rush of downloads has passed; this will allow you to avoid longer download times or installation fails. When you're ready to update, make sure you check out these tips on downloading and installing iOS 8:
Tip of the Day: Are Your Apps Ready for iOS 8?
By Todd Bernhard
As an App Developer, every new release of iOS means a scramble to make sure my apps are compatible, and usually they are. But once in a while, Apple changes things just enough that old apps need to be tweaked to work with the new operating system. Making a living on the App Store, while difficult, is possible, but you have to keep your apps updated and add new features as Apple adds capabilities. The sad fact is, not every developer does that. Indeed some developers will be probably have apps in the App Store that simply won’t work on iOS 8, and never will. The developers may have shut their doors, and there may be no plans to fix incompatibilities.
Soundbook GO: Big Sound in a Small Space!
By Nate Adcock
Bayan Audio has a wireless speakerphone that you have to get your hands on called the Soundbook GO ($139.99). This amazing little mobile speaker is the real deal, producing 15 watts of crystal-clear sound with dynamic tones, and boasting an impressive set of extended features: NFC pairing, Bluetooth 4.0, Smart Cover—all contained in a sleek package that can be shoved into a travel bag.
Tip of the Day: How to Delete U2's New Album from iTunes
By Sarah Kingsbury
On Tuesday, September 9, Apple concluded its iPhone 6 and Apple Watch event by announcing it would be giving away free copies of U2's new album Songs of Innocence to everyone with an iTunes account. This unexpected generosity garnered a range of different reactions:
Tip of the Day: Deciding What Capacity iPhone 6 to Buy
By Todd Bernhard
How much memory should you get in your next iPhone? Apple kept their usual price points ($199, $299, and $399 for the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and $299, $399, and $499 for the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus) but instead of the 16 GB, 32 GB, and 64 GB configurations, they dropped the 32 GB tier and added a whopping 128 GB tier, as predicted. This mirrored their move with recent price drops for the iPod touch and finally brings their memory pricing in line with the industry. And the 128 GB capacity is a very welcome addition, especially since iOS devices do not have expandable microSD card storage of most Android phones.
If you are like me, you may be wondering which iPhone size is best for you and your hand size. Everyone is different and what's comfortable for one person isn't necessarily so for the next person. To help you decide which iPhone will work best for you we've included a link to a printout that lets you see for yourself.
It’s always a good idea to keep your iPhone backed up. Frequent backups make it easy to switch to a new device, like the upcoming iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, and are crucial when dealing with loss, theft, and damage. Apple iOS devices can be backed up to iTunes on your computer by connecting via a cable, or via WiFi if you’ve enabled that in iTunes.
The Impact of Apple Watch on Health and Fitness
By Becca Ludlum
The Apple Watch was announced earlier today and it, along with the Health app, will change the way we are able to interact with our iPhones. The Apple Watch does double duty as an all day fitness tracker (Activity app) and a sports watch (Workout app). The wide variety of data it collects makes it easy for the Apple Watch to track different types of activity.
These are the key components of fitness portion of the Apple Watch:
While the new iDevices stole the show at today's Apple event, it's safe to say that what comes under the hood with these new smartphones and tablets is equally as impressive as their meticulously designed exteriors. Case in point; with the introduction of iOS 8, Apple's new programming interface, called Metal, is now available to experience in all of its grandeur. In particular, iOS gamers are in for a treat with all of the improved graphics and snappy responsiveness that Metal delivers. Game developers have had their hands on Metal for awhile now, which means that right out of the gate we can enjoy the unparalleled console-caliber capabilities that Metal allows.
Tip of the Day: Update Apple TV and Safari Before the Apple Announcement
By Sarah Kingsbury
Apple requires you to have the latest version of Safari or Apple TV in order to watch their live streams. So if you're planning to watch Apple's live stream of their September 9 announcement, make sure you update well ahead of time. Otherwise you may end up crying and tearing your hair out because you're missing the first 15 minutes of the announcement while you wait for Safari or Apple TV to finish updating.
Tip of the Day: Get Ready for the Next iPhone by Pruning Your Photos, Videos, and Apps
By Todd Bernhard
Keep in mind that the new iPhone will likely be in short supply, as the iPhone 5s was (especially the gold model.) If you're not willing to wait, you may not get your first choice, and that might mean a step down in storage from your current iPhone. For example, assuming Apple ships a 16 GB iPhone 6 (instead of making 32 GB the minimum) and you currently have a 32 GB iPhone 5, you probably have more than 12 GB of content. Remember, the iPhone uses some of the storage so a 16 GB iPhone really only has about 12 GB of space. I have a 64 GB iPhone 5s and I'm using over 29 GB. That tells me, without some creative pruning, I can't downgrade to a 32 GB model let alone a 16 GB version.
Tip of the Day: Keep Your Photos Safe on Your iPhone
By Sarah Kingsbury
In the wake of the recent hacking and distribution of celebrities' nude photos, you may be wondering how safe your own private photos are. Granted, it's unlikely the unauthorized publication of your photos on the Internet would get same attention as the publication of Jennifer Lawrence's, but it has been know to happen even to the average unknown. Here are a few steps you can take to keep your photos private:
Tip of the Day: Make Those Broken Headphones Work
By Sarah Kingsbury
Have you ever tried to listen to music or watch a movie with a pair of headphones that only work on one side? It's pretty miserable, isn't it? (Every parent who has ever made the mistake of sharing his headphones with his kids is nodding sadly right now.) Obviously it's time for you to order a new, higher quality pair of headphones and hide them from your destructive offspring. In the meantime, you can enjoy the full audio experience by switching your iPhone or iPad's audio settings to mono.
Tip of the Day: 5 Instagram Tips and Tricks You May Not Know
By Rheanne Taylor
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in thinking we know everything there is to know about social media that we forget it’s always evolving. If you’re like me, chances are you often don’t read about the new features added to your updated app or even bother to ask your friends about the tips they’ve discovered themselves. Here are a few tips and tricks that you may not already know about!
There is no shortage of outrage over Facebook forcing users to download their Messenger app (and abide by their terms) by removing the messaging function from the main app. Turns out there is a way around it—though be aware this may only work until the next app update. Here's how to do it: