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How to Make Night Shift Mode Less Orange

Night Shift on iPhone is a feature that came out with iOS 9.3. It’s meant to be used at night and reduces the amount of blue light on the screen. This is said to help us  get to sleep sooner even if we’ve been recently looking at our iPhones. It most certainly cuts down on eye strain when looking at our devices at night. You can also choose how you want the Night Shift color balance to appear when the mode is turned on. You can make the colors appear warmer or cooler, depending on what you prefer. Here’s how to adjust Night Shift color balance.

Related: How to Use Night Shift Mode on Your iPhone

To do this:

  • Open Settings.

  • Tap Display & Brightness.

  • Select Night Shift.

  • Under Color Temperature, drag the slider towards the warmer or cooler end of the spectrum.

As you drag, the iPhone will show you a preview of what that looks like. When you lift your finger, it will return to to normal (unless Night Shift is on anyway.) The Less Warm end of the spectrum will make the screen look more like it normally does during the day. The More Warm end of the spectrum will further reduce the amount of blue light emanated from the screen. Now that you have the hang of Night Shift on your iPhone, check out these tips on how to constrol the blue light on your MacBook screen.

Top image credit: blackzheep / Shutterstock
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