iPhone Life - Best Apps, Top Tips, Great Gear
iPhone or iPad Stuck in Headphone Mode? Here’s the Fix!
By Leanne Hays
If your iPhone or iPad is stuck in headphone mode, you won't be able to hear any audio from your device except via headphones. There are several reasons why your device might be stuck in headphone mode: you might have outdated software, a dirty headphone port, water damage, or incompatible headphones. Usually, the issue can be quickly solved by toggling Airplane mode and off. However, if that doesn't work, we'll cover the common solutions to get your audio working again!
How to Fix Apple Watch ECG Not Working
By Rhett Intriago
The Apple Watch ECG is one of the most useful apps you can have on your device. You can use it to keep track of your heart health and share the results with your doctor. However, if the ECG is not working, you won’t be able to see the results you need. Here’s what you can do to fix it.
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New AirPods Coming October 18? AirPods 3 & Pro 2 Rumors
By Leanne Hays
Rumor has it that Apple will announce new AirPods at its "Unleashed" event on the 18th of October, and we've collected all the info we can about features and how much they will cost. It's not just one new model, though. The latest we've heard is that Apple will soon release the AirPods 3, followed by the AirPods Pro 2. Here's everything we know about the new AirPods coming in 2021.
How to Clean Your AirPods & AirPods Case without Damaging Them
By Erin MacPherson
AirPods and their charging cases are tiny, and their many built-in nooks and crannies make cleaning them properly very tough and occasionally risky. We'll show you how to clean your AirPods, AirPods Pro, AirPods Max, and their accompanying cases without damaging them.
How to Stop Apps Disappearing from Your iPhone
By August Garry
Have you ever gone to use an app you haven’t touched in a long time, only to find that the app has disappeared? The good news is you’re not losing your mind: Apple occasionally offloads apps it doesn’t think you’re using anymore. The better news is that you haven’t lost any data stored in the app (you only need to reinstall to get it back), and the best news is that it's easy to prevent your iPhone from unloading unused apps in the future. Let’s go over how.
If you're like me, you've missed the convenience of using Apple's Face ID on your iPhone this past year, since the feature doesn't work if the user is wearing a face mask. Now, with iOS 14.5 and watchOS 7.4, you can unlock your iPhone using your Apple Watch while keeping your face mask on!
How to Print without Ads from a Safari Webpage
By Erin MacPherson
If you want to save an article or recipe on paper instead of on your iPhone, you'll probably want to print without ads. There's an easy way to do it, but you'll have to use a special setting to make it happen. We'll show you how to print webpages without ads the easy way!
How to Disable Reader Mode in Safari for All Webpages
By Erin MacPherson
For those like me who don't like Safari Reader view, there’s a way to disable Reader mode for all webpages instead of turning it off one website at a time. I’ll show you how to turn this setting off, and how to turn it back on again if you change your mind or want to re-enable Reader View temporarily.
Podcast App Basics: How to Unsubscribe from a Podcast
By Olena Kagui
Podcasts are a great way to learn new things while on the go. But with our busy lives, it is easy to get overwhelmed with all of our iPhone subscriptions. It is one thing to know how to delete podcasts from your iPhone. However, deleting the episodes will not prevent new podcast downloads. Learn how to stop podcasts from appearing in your Latest Episodes by unsubscribing.
How to Print Emails from Your iPhone
By Olena Kagui
There are many reasons why you may want to print out an email. It can help to have a physical copy of an address or directions if you are driving or expect to have spotty internet access. It can also be useful to print emails with checklists or instructions to pin to a corkboard and markup by hand as necessary.
How to Start an Apple Fitness Plus Workout on an iPhone, iPad & Apple TV
By Erin MacPherson
Apple Fitness Plus is an excellent way to stay on top of your fitness from home and to add fresh new workouts to your exercise routine at the gym. We've shown you how to find and sign up for Apple Fitness Plus, and now we'll go over how to start a Fitness Plus workout.
MacBook Air 2021 Rumors: Thinner Than Ever & the Return of MagSafe
By Amy Spitzfaden Both
Rumors about a 2021 MacBook Air are heating up, and there are two big buzzwords we keep hearing: "thinner" and "MagSafe." Yes, the new MacBook Air is rumored to be thinner than ever and to bring back the MagSafe chargers Mac users were so fond of and so sad to see go. There's a lot that seems pretty definite about the new MacBook Air release, and some things seem a bit more murky. So let's jump in and take a look at what we know, what we think, and what we probably won't see.
How to Force Quit a Mac If It’s Frozen
By Leanne Hays
You can force restart your iMac or MacBook if it freezes. Using force quit is the last option you should try if your Mac is frozen, because you may lose work you haven't saved. If possible, shut down your Mac by opening the Apple menu and choosing Shut Down. If your cursor won't move, though, here's how to force quit and restart a Mac.
How to Find Apple Music History on iPhone & Mac
By Amy Spitzfaden Both
If you're listening to a playlist curated by someone else, you might want to go back and see what a previous song was called or who the artist was. Luckily, it's very easy to see your Apple Music history! Here's how to view your Apple Music history on your iPhone and Mac.
According to statistics, more than half of the world's population is bilingual. Whether you are learning a new language or are fluent in several, it's useful to know how to change your keyboard. In addition to switching your keyboard digitally, using physical guides such as keyboard stickers and keyboard covers can help.
How to Use Picture in Picture with the Podcasts App
By August Garry
If you’re anything like me, you’ve often wished you could watch your favorite video podcast on your phone and work in other apps at the same time. Lucky for us, iOS 14 has introduced a cool new feature that will let you watch videos through Apple Podcasts while multitasking on your iPhone. It’s called Picture in Picture, and activating it is quick and easy. Let’s go through how to do it.
How to Take Selfies Using Your Apple Watch
By Olena Kagui
Taking selfies can be challenging because, similarly to the T-Rex, our arms always aren't long enough. The Apple Watch has many valuable features. You can even use it as an iPhone camera remote. Learn how to use your Apple Watch camera app to time and capture the best selfies.
How to Copy & Paste on an iPhone or iPad
By Amy Spitzfaden Both
Being able to copy and paste on your iPhone is a skill that can make your life so much easier, whether you want to move an image or text. You can also learn how to paste on an iPhone from your Mac, but for now let's focus on how to copy and paste on an iPhone or iPad.