The iHome iPLWBT5 Docking Clock Radio ($129.99) could really eliminate some of the clutter on your nightstand. It's a clock radio, which iHome has been making for years, but it also doubles as a dual charging dock for your iPhone 7 and Apple Watch. There's a Lightning dock on the top, which should accommodate most cases except really protective ones. For iPhones in protective cases or an iPad, there's a USB port so you can charge a device via your own Lightning cable. Finally, sitting on the side is an Apple Watch magnetic charging base.
Apple Watch
NuAns Cone: iPhone Charging Dock & Lamp in One
By Daniel Rasmus
In 2014 iPhone Life awarded a best of CES award to the NuAns Cone ($269.99 at Amazon). A few months ago I received a review unit and it now sits on my desk to illuminate my workspace, and it also occasionally offers up some tunes.
PCalc: Is It Really the Best Calculator App?
By Mike Riley
The calculator app that comes bundled in iOS is adequate for basic, quick calculations, but it lacks even a simple memory function or running history of operations. Hundreds of alternative calculator apps, both free and paid, are available from the App Store. But when you want the best, the absolute top of the category, PCalc ($9.99) from TLA Systems claims that it's the one to beat. Let's find out if that's the case.
How to Share Fitness Metrics with Friends in Activity App
By Conner Carey
WatchOS 3 on Apple Watch along with iOS 10 on iPhone allows you to share your fitness metrics (and activity circles) with friends in the Activity app. Since the spirit of competition is a motivating factor for lots of people, this allows you to compete with your friends, attempt to keep up, and ultimately surpass them. When you want to share your fitness metrics with someone, you must send an invite to them. Once they accept, you’ll see their fitness metrics and in turn, they’ll see yours. Here’s how to share fitness metrics with friends in the Activity app.
Looking for a way to stay focused and disciplined on completing a task on time? The Pomodoro Technique is a proven approach to time management that has been programmatically captured in a number of iOS apps. Some are simple timers while others offer much more. This review takes a closer look at Be Focused Pro ($1.99 iOS, $4.99 macOS), one of the more comprehensive, Apple-hardware-friendly programs available on the App Store today.
It won’t be long now until Apple’s September keynote event but a lot is still tightly under wraps. We know the iPhone 7 will make its debut. We also now know the event will take place Wednesday, September 7, but most of the other details remain up-in-the-air. Will the iPhone 7 have new features we haven't heard about? What other products will Apple release at its September Keynote event this year? Let’s take a look at the possibilities, starting with the obvious (iPhone 7) and descending into the strong maybes. Here’s everything we’re expecting to see at Apple’s September keynote event 2016.
How to Take iPhone Photos With Your Apple Watch
By Conner Carey
A little known trick of the Apple Watch is that you can use it as your shutter remote for taking pictures with your iPhone. When you open the Camera app on your Apple Watch, you’ll see whatever the iPhone’s camera can see. This is perfect for taking family photos since you can station the iPhone on a tripod, join the group, and tap the button or activate the three-second timer right from your Apple Watch. Here’s how to take iPhone photos using your Apple Watch.
How to View Your Activity Rings in Your Health App Dashboard
By Conner Carey
If you have an Apple Watch paired with your iPhone, you’re familiar with Activity rings. On the Apple Watch, your activity is represented by three concentric circles that track how much of your daily goals you have met. There’s a red circle for your Move goal, a green one for Exercise, and a blue one for Stand. However, you can also view these Activity rings in graph form in the Health app and include it as a part of your health Dashboard. Here’s how to view your activity rings in your health app dashboard.
Opinion: Apple’s Spring Event Leaves Much to Be Desired
By Conner Carey
We all sat around the table as Tim Cook made his closing remarks saying, “this can’t be the end. It’s only been an hour. Is that it?” Beginning at 10 a.m Pacific Time, the Apple Spring Event was exactly what the rumors predicted with a couple unexpected features. Tim Cook began by addressing the ongoing controversy between Apple and the FBI stating, “we did not expect to be in this position, at odds with our government,” but, “We will not shrink from this responsibility.”
Kickstarter: Personalize Your Apple Watch Band with iPops
By Todd Bernhard
Apple has released a plethora of Apple Watch bands to let users give their Apple Watch a personal touch, but a low-cost option dubbed iPops goes even further. You insert an iPop into one of the holes in your Apple Watch band and have your own Pandora-style bracelet that tells a story. iPops are like emojis that you wear.
5 Gorgeous Apple Accessories You’ll Only Find on Etsy
By Conner Carey
Etsy has made it far easier for small businesses and local craftsman to promote and sell their handmade or vintage goods. The large online store has categories with everything from knitting needles to wedding dresses. But when we’re looking for tech accessories, it’s easy to forget about the website of amazing crafts. Meanwhile, the options available on Etsy are endless and certainly deserve a look. Here’s five gorgeous and/or useful Apple accessories you can only find on Etsy.
Review: Catalyst's Apple Watch Waterproof Case
By Todd Bernhard
Apple doesn't claim that the Apple Watch is waterproof, although a number of folks have given it a go with some success. For those of you who want to really keep your Apple Watch safe, under water, and in rugged conditions, there's the Case for Apple Watch ($59.99) from Catalyst.
Review: Withings Activité Pop Tracks Sleep, Is Waterproof
By Todd Bernhard
It's a reality today that all wearables will be compared to the Apple Watch, but the Activité Pop ($149.95) from Withings compares favorably. For starters, it's a lot more affordable, at about $150. It's also waterproof, which Apple doesn't claim. The first thing you'll notice is that it's analog. That means the battery life can be measured in months (up to eight), not hours. It's still smart, just don't expect to read your text messages on it. What you can do, though, is track your activity, steps, and sleep, and receive vibration alarms.
Save 5 Percent on Apple Watch at Target
By Todd Bernhard
Review: Twelve South Forté Apple Watch Stand
By Todd Bernhard
"Nailed it!" That's what I imagine it sounds like to work at Twelve South. The folks there seem to repeatedly and reliably come up with accessory after accessory that makes the Apple experience better. I use a MacBook stand from the company, and used to have an iPad BookBook case for my original iPad and a BookBook case for my new iPhone 6s. In fact, the BookBook is probably Twelve South's most notable product. It is an iPad or iPhone case disguised as a leather-bound book, and the iPhone versions have slots for credit cards and ID. You get the best of both worlds: handmade, old-world-book style and modern e-books and apps! It's very charming and functional, and could protect your iOS devices from unwitting thieves.
I will probably upgrade to the iPhone 6s, but not for the reasons you might think. Yes, Apple claims "The only thing that’s changed is everything" and that's true. Almost every element of the iPhone 6 has been enhanced. The metal is stronger. The screen has 3D Touch. The camera is a big improvement. The processor is faster, as are the graphics and networking. If your job was to repair iPhones, there are almost no components from the older iPhone 6 that could be reused in the iPhone 6s. It is entirely new. Everything has indeed changed. Apple has a valid point and it is also trying to head off the inevitable "nothing's changed" criticism that comes with any "s" model.
How to Disable Stand Reminders on the Apple Watch
By Conner Carey
The Apple Watch is set to remind you to stand every waking hour for at least a minute. If you're at a desk for multiple hours at a time, this can be beneficial and add to your over-all health. However, the Apple Watch's stand sensor is not always the most accurate; many users report getting stand reminders right when they have stood up multiple times throughout the hour. Fortunately, it couldn't be easier to get that pesky reminder to shush. And whether Stand Reminders are enabled or not, your Apple Watch will continue to track how often you move.
If you own an Apple Watch, you already know that the built-in speaker it comes with is not designed to deliver high-quality audio, at any appreciable volume. Yet with a respectable onboard storage capacity for your music, the Apple Watch has the potential to store and deliver great sounding audio wherever you go, if you have a quality Bluetooth speaker that is. A good Bluetooth speaker can also work wonders when it comes to phone calls and FaceTime chats, as most Bluetooth speakers these days also house a built-in microphone for such purposes. Here are three of our favorite Bluetooth speakers that serve as perfect complements to the Apple Watch.
Apple Watch Sapphire Display Performs Poorly Against ION-X Glass
By Todd Bernhard
Hunting for the Best Apple Watch Apps?
By Jim Karpen
Now that the Apple Watch has been available for a month, some experienced users are developing strong opinions about the best and most useful apps. And they've taken the time to post short lists of these.