iPhone Life - Best Apps, Top Tips, Great Gear
iPhone 15 Release Date & Rumor Roundup: Everything We Know
By Olena Kagui
It's almost that time of the year again when Apple announces its brand-new lineup of iPhones! This September, we can expect the release of the iPhone 15. It is rumored to be one of the most significant iPhone transformations yet! Between the leaks, whispers, and past experiences, here's everything we know about the new iPhone 15 line.
Romanticize Your Life with OHOM Self Heating Tea Set
By Haley Hunter
Any warm beverage lover knows the importance of drinking your steaming cuppa in the temperature sweet spot: after the scalding steam has eased and before the lukewarm disappointment sets in. Finishing your morning beverage before it goes lukewarm is a challenge though! That’s why the promise to keep my beverages hot while simplifying my desk layout piqued my interest. First stop: the OHOM Ui Plus Self Heating Mug Set (starting at $88) and OHOM Leiph Self Heating Teapot Set ($49).
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Swift Programming 101: Advanced Collections
By Kevin McNeish
Swift's advanced collections can help you model more complex objects in your apps and create an API that is easier to understand and use. In this post, I model a chessboard using Swift's subscripts and also cover tuples and multidimensional arrays!
Have Your iPhone or iPad Read to You
By Jim Karpen
If you find it more convenient to listen to some text on your iPhone or iPad rather than read it, you can easily enable that capability. You might, for example, want your device to read a web page, ebook, or another document to you while you perform household chores. Here’s how to use text-to-speech on iPhone or iPad.
Swift Programming 101: Mastering Protocols and Delegates (Part 2)
By Kevin McNeish
In part 2 of this post on Swift's protocols, you will learn practical uses for declaring custom protocols in your own apps, and learn further how they improve the architecture of your apps and make them easier to enhance and extend.
In part 1 of this post, I demonstrated how to implement existing Cocoa Touch protocols in your apps. Now you'll learn how and why to create your very own. First, we need to cover the basic construction of a Swift protocol.
It's that time of year again. Right after a new iPhone comes out there is the inevitable deluge of great cases to protect your new investment. This happens with every iPhone release, but perhaps never more markedly than with the introduction of the completely new form factors of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. If ever an iPhone called for a protective case it is these large and larger models, with their increased real estate, slick, rounded edges and extra heft. Rather than clump an assortment of different cases together, I'll be focusing on one great case each week over the course of the coming months. In a break from the norm, this week we are featuring two different waterproof cases: the LUNATIK TAKTIK 360 ($119.95) and the LUNATIK AQUATIK ($89.95).
Tip of the Day: Quickly Access Contacts Without Opening an App
By Sarah Kingsbury
If you want to quickly call, FaceTime, or text a contact, there's no need to open any of the related apps. Those who have iOS 8 on their iPhone can quickly access Favorite and Recent contacts via the App Switcher.
Tip of the Day: See Only the Widgets You Want in the Order You Choose
By Sarah Kingsbury
Thanks to iOS 8, Apple lovers finally have access to widgets on their iPhones. But users will find some widgets more useful than others. Maximize their utility by deleting widgets you don't need to see in the Today view in Notifications and arranging the rest in the most convenient order.
How to Enable Notifications for an Email Thread Using the Mail App
By Sarah Kingsbury
Enabling notifications on an email thread lets you sit back and wait for that important reply without feeling the need to check your inbox every five minutes. You can turn on notifications for a thread either from the subject line of an email you are composing or by swiping left on a thread inside your inbox. Here are the two methods for enabling notifications on email threads in the Mail app.
Swift Programming 101: Mastering Protocols and Delegates (Part 1)
By Kevin McNeish
Protocols are a powerful, advanced tool that help make your apps easier to design and extend. They define standard behavior in classes that are not necessarily related. Protocols used together with delegates allow you to create classes with a well-balanced load of responsibilities.
Tip of the Day: Quickly Add a Website to Favorites
By Jim Karpen
I like the features of Safari in iOS 8. In a previous tip I showed how to request the desktop version of a site by tapping in the address bar and then dragging down on the Favorites window that pops up. I also just learned of a quick way to add the current page to Favorites, to your reading list, or to shared links.
Living In an OmniGroup World
By Daniel Rasmus
Just outside of Redmond, WA, center of the Microsoft universe, lies a little city we like to call Seattle. Seattle is the home to OmniGroup, a company dedicated to writing some of the best, and more enduring, Macintosh software around, along with complementary iOS apps to facilitate the increasingly mobile lifestyles of their customers.
I like Apple's Maps app, but a number of times it's taken me to a location that simply didn't exist: an Indian restaurant, a zoo, a hotel in a small town, a Chinese restaurant. I diligently follow Siri's directions and when she says I've arrived, the establishment in question is nowhere to be seen. And in several of these cases probably never existed. If you've had similar problems and prefer maps from third parties such as Google, you can now conveniently access these maps from within Apple's Maps app.
Tip of the Day: How to Search Within a Web Page
By Jim Karpen
Often when you're searching the web for some particular bit of information, your search pulls up a long page of text. But you then have no idea where on that page to find the information you're looking for. The next step is to search within the page. The way to do that on iOS devices is simple, but not obvious.
Swift Programming 101: Inheritance & Polymorphism
By Kevin McNeish
In previous posts I have touched on inheritance in Swift. In this post, I'm going to be diving deeper and giving you a fuller picture of how inheritance works in Swift, and how you can use it to create apps that are easy to extend when you need to add new functionality. Along the way, you will also learn about the important concept of polymorphism and learn how to use Xcode's new playgrounds!
Tip of the Day: See the Time Messages Were Sent
By Jim Karpen
One of the useful features of email is being able to see exactly when an email was sent. However, unlike Mail, the default view in Messages doesn't show the time when messages in a thread were sent. Messages are time-stamped just as emails are—you simply need to know how to view the time stamp.
Tip of the Day: Send Audio Messages in iOS 8
By Jim Karpen
One of the great new features in iOS 8 is the ability to send an audio message. Sometimes it's simply a lot more convenient to make a quick recording than it is to type a message. Why not simply call the person? Because convention requires that we then engage in conversation. An audio message is more efficient. And the party you're sending it to can listen at his or her convenience rather than having to answer the phone.
New iPad Includes a Barometer
By Nate Adcock
As a former weather guy, one part of the Apple announcement today really sparked my interest. The new iPad Air 2 will include a barometer. This both excites and makes me wonder just how well this feature will be harnessed. It is likely this is the same sensor introduced in the iPhone 6, though I admit that I haven't been able to test apps leveraging the feature yet.