View the Edit History of a Text Message on iPhone
By Rhett Intriago
By Rhett Intriago
By Belinda Sanmiguel
iPhone owners can easily send and request funds from Apple Wallet using Apple Cash. Sending and requesting money via Apple Wallet is a great way to send payments to friends, family, and co-workers. It also helps you to avoid having to download a third-party payment app. Let's go over how to send money through Apple Pay.
By Rhett Intriago
The iPhone has a wide variety of accessibility settings, but maybe you don't need to enable accessibility settings system-wide. Apple lets users apply accessibility options using per-app settings on iPhone. Here's how to make apps accessible with app settings on your iPhone.
By Conner Carey
Do you want to know how to enable iMessage on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac computer? Are you wondering what iMessage is, and what is the difference between it and an RCS/SMS (text message)? In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover how to set up iMessage on iPhone and answer your burning Messages app questions.
By Rhett Intriago
Want to remove double contacts on your iPhone or iPad? Apple has a simple way to merge duplicate contacts; here's how to delete duplicate contacts on your iPhone.
By Rhett Intriago
Setting up iPhone Calendar recurring events in your calendar can be incredibly useful for helping you to keep track of meetings, birthdays, holidays, etc. We’ll show you how to add recurring events to iPhone calendar so that you never miss an important date again.
By Rhett Intriago
Like any web browser, you can use Safari to download files to your iPhone. But where do those downloads go after you save them? In this article, we’ll go over how exactly to find out where your downloaded files are located.
By Rhett Intriago
Apple takes privacy very seriously when it comes to its products. The iPhone and iPad are no exception and even now include an App Privacy Report. This report shows you how certain apps have been using your data and accessing certain device features.
By Erin MacPherson
If the App Store icon disappeared on your iPhone, it doesn't mean you deleted the app; it's likely hidden in a folder or in your App Libary. To recover your missing App Store icon, you'll need to search for it. Here's how to get the App Store back on an iPhone or iPad.
By Olena Kagui
So, how do you find someone else's iPhone? While the iPhone Find My app is most commonly used to locate your own devices, you can also find someone else's iPhone using the Help a Friend feature. Below, we'll cover how to use Find My iPhone for someone else.
By Rachel Needell
If you've accidentally deleted photos from the Photos app on your iPhone, you may be panicking, wondering, "Can I recover permanently deleted photos from my iPhone?" The answer is, you can recover deleted photos by going to the Recently Deleted folder. However, if the photos were deleted from your Photo library more than 30 days ago, you will need to restore your iPhone to a previous back up in order to recover the deleted photos.
By Rheanne Taylor
It's easy to put yourself in the picture using the iPhone self-timer in the Camera app. The iPhone photo timer lets you choose a delay of either three, five, or ten seconds, perfect for selfies or squeezing into a group photo with friends. Here's how to use the iPhone photo timer delay.
By Erin MacPherson
Are you wondering why you can't delete apps on your iPhone? Some built-in Apple apps can't be deleted, but sometimes your iPhone or iPad can't delete apps that it should be able to. Here's how to delete apps on an iPhone or iPad when tapping the minus icon doesn't do the trick.
By Rhett Intriago
Everyone, at some point in their texting career, sends a message that they quickly regret. Luckily, most messaging clients now have an option to quickly unsend a message within a certain amount of time. Starting with iOS 16, Apple added this convenient option to iMessage, but many are wondering if someone can see an unsent message on iPhone.
By Leanne Hays
Why is my iPhone compass wrong? Most of us don't use our iPhone compass that often. Still, when those moments arise, the last thing anyone wants is a broken compass. There's a few reasons why the Compass app might not be working, so we'll walk you through how to calibrate your iPhone compass.
By Leanne Hays
You can save credit card information using AutoFill on your iPhone, then make online purchases using the saved information without having to dig your card out of your wallet. Here's how to edit and change saved cards, and delete your AutoFill credit card on iPhone.
By Hallei Halter
It's important to make sure that the passwords on all your accounts are strong and not easily guessed. But complex passwords that are hard to guess are also hard to remember. That's why I love the iCloud Keychain feature, which allows you to store your saved passwords. Did you know that you can also use the iCloud Keychain to generate complex passwords for you? I'll show you how to use Keychain's strong password suggestions.