Why does a call go straight to voicemail without ringing? The culprit may be a setting like Do Not Disturb, Focus modes, or Silence Unknown Callers. There are several more things to check if those settings aren't to blame. Here's how to stop calls from going straight to voicemail on your iPhone.
How to Get the App Store Back on Your iPhone & iPad
By Erin MacPherson
If the App Store icon disappeared on your iPhone, it doesn't mean you deleted the app; it's likely hidden in a folder or in your App Libary. To recover your missing App Store icon, you'll need to search for it and check your Screen Time Restrictions. In rare cases, you'll need to reset your Home Screen layout to fix a software glitch. Here's how to get the App Store back on an iPhone or iPad.
Do you have a person in your Contacts you'd like to silence for a while without blocking them or turning on Do Not Disturb mode? We will cover how to silence notifications on iPhone from a specific contact or contacts, everyone else will be able to text you and you will get all other alerts.
How to Put Two Pictures Side-by-Side on iPhone
By Kenya Smith
Have you ever wondered how to combine photos on iPhone without a third-party app? The easiest way to combine two pictures and create a side-by-side photo on your iPhone is by creating a shortcut in the Shortcuts app. Then, you can just select the images you want to combine. Let's go over how to make side-by-side photos on your iPhone.
What Does 'Live' Mean on Find My iPhone?
By Rachel Needell
Find My—previously known as separate apps Find My iPhone and Find My Friends—is a staple Apple native app that allows you to find your friends and personal Apple devices by accessing GPS locations. You may have noticed the small "Live" tag underneath friends who are sharing their location with you. We'll cover everything you need to know about what it means when someone's location is live.
What Does Notifications Silenced Mean?
By Rachel Needell
Have you been wondering what "Notifications Silenced" means? Sometimes, when you text someone via Messages, you might notice that it says the person has notifications silenced. Don't panic! It means exactly what it says: the user has their notifications silenced. It doesn't mean you're blocked. You can usually choose to notify the person anyway. Here's how it works.
iPhone Notes Disappeared? Easy Ways to Get Them Back
By Conner Carey
Why did my notes disappear? iPhone notes disappearing or the entire Notes app being lost are most often caused by accidentally moving or deleting the Notes app or notes. In rare cases, you might experience a software glitch, such as right after an update. Regardless of the cause, we'll show you how to recover lost notes on your iPhone, plus how to get the Notes app back on your iPhone if you accidentally removed it.
Exposed: How Accurate Is Apple Watch Calories Calculator
By Erin MacPherson
Are Apple Watch Calories accurate? Yes, the Apple Watch is quite accurate at calculating calories burned as long as you have two important settings correct. We'll teach you how to improve your Apple Watch calorie accuracy by updating your height and weight in the Health app, recalibrating your watch, and making sure you are wearing it correctly.
How to See Steps on Apple Watch Face
By Olena Kagui
While you can track steps on Apple Watch without downloading a third-party app, there is no built-in way to see them on your watch face. To show steps on the Apple Watch face, you have to download a third-party Apple Watch step tracker and add the app's complication to your watch face. Here’s how to track steps on Apple Watch via the Activity app and on your watch face.
How to Find Someone Else's iPhone When It's Lost
By Olena Kagui
So, how do you find someone else's iPhone? While the iPhone Find My app is most commonly used to locate your own devices, you can also find someone else's iPhone using the Help a Friend feature. Below, we'll cover how to use Find My iPhone for someone else.
Why Is My iPhone Camera Shaking & How to Fix It
By Olena Kagui
Some users with the new iPhone 16 and older iPhone models have had camera problems since the latest Apple operating system update. In particular, there's an iPhone 14 camera focus issue. If you're experiencing these issues, here's how to get your iPhone camera working again!
Fixed: Not Getting Text Notifications on iPhone
By Rachel Needell
If your iPhone has suddenly or randomly stopped getting text notifications, it may be due to a setting that accidentally changed. We'll go over all the reasons why you may not be getting text notifications on your iPhone.
How to Control Autocorrect & Predictive Text on iPhone
By Rhett Intriago
How to Use Face ID to Make Purchases on iPhone
By Kenya Smith
Most people use Face ID as a quick way to unlock their iPhones and login to accounts. However, the feature can also be used to make purchases whether they're made in-store, online, or within an app. Let's dive deep into how to make purchases using Face ID.
How to Delete Purchase History on iPhone
By Rhett Intriago
Almost every iPhone user has, at some point, downloaded an embarrassing app, whether it's a silly dating sim game or a talking cat. Sometimes, you just don't want others to see what apps you've been downloading. Luckily, there's a way to quickly hide app downloads and purchases on your iPhone.
How to Turn Off In-App Purchases
By Emma Chase
If you've ever spotted an extra charge from the App Store on your credit card statement and wondered where it came from, this tip may help. It's become more common for apps to have in-app purchases, even if the app itself is free. Let's learn how to prevent these charges from happening.
How to Pull Back an Email on iPhone After You've Sent It
By Olena Kagui
Have you ever tapped send and immediately realized something was wrong with your email? We've all been there. You can unsend an email on your iPhone if you realize your mistakes in a set amount of time. This can save you a lot of embarrassment and the pain of having to write a follow-up correction email.
Sharing events on your iPhone calendar with contacts can increase productivity at work, make get-togethers with friends easier to plan, and consolidate your upcoming events on your iPhone calendar for easy access. But how do you share events on the iPhone calendar? Follow the steps below to send an iPhone calendar invite to a group of contacts using your iPhone calendar app.
How to Manually Add Passwords to Your iPhone
By Rhett Intriago
The Passwords app is connected to iCloud Keychain, allowing you to easily save passwords on your iPhone. Once you save your username and password for a website, Keychain will auto-fill your information when you go to the website. Sound convenient? Below, we'll show you how to add passwords to iCloud Keychain using the Passwords app.
How to Access Indoor Maps on iPhone & iPad
By Rachel Needell
For certain locations of malls and airports, Apple actually has indoor maps you can view directly from the Maps app. I love this feature because it allows me to figure out where I am without having to find a directory or physical map somewhere inside the location.