iPhone Life - Best Apps, Top Tips, Great Gear
iPhone Life's Best Cooking & Dining Apps (2025)
By Olena Kagui
Did you know that Americans are cooking at home more? According to a study done by Taste of Home, more Americans are cooking at home and finding joy in it than they did before the pandemic. Most are looking for exciting new recipes—we've got you covered!
Faster iPhone Cellular Data: Why Is My Internet So Slow?
By Olena Kagui
If your iPhone cellular data is slow, it could be caused by your iPhone or your provider. We'll go over ways to troubleshoot your cellular data not working as it should. We will also teach you how to check the speed of your cellular data and rule out issues with your provider to get you faster internet today.
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A Fully Customized Fit for USB-C Earbuds
(Sponsored Post) By Amy Spitzfaden Both on Thu, 03/13/2025
How to Watch Ted Lasso without Apple TV
By August Garry
If you're wondering whether you can watch Ted Lasso without Apple TV: You can watch the show without an Apple TV box, but you can't watch it without Apple TV Plus. In this article, we'll show you how to watch Ted Lasso on your iPhone, computer, or TV.
12 Days of Christmas Movies on Amazon Prime
By Ashleigh Page
Whether you're the type of person who begins a Christmas movie marathon right after polishing off the Thanksgiving meal or a holiday rebel who watches Christmas films anytime of the year whenever the mood strikes, we've compiled a list of some of the most-loved streamable Christmas movies on Amazon Prime. From classic Christmas romance movies to endearing animated holiday films, these fun-filled movies help you count down the days until Christmas.
How to Connect AirPods to Laptop
By August Garry
Can you connect AirPods to PC? Yes, yes you can! In this article, we'll show you how to connect your AirPods to your laptop—specifically, your Windows laptop.
How To Find AirPods by Making Them Ring
By Ashleigh Page
Misplaced your AirPods, AirPods Pro or AirPods Max? We'll cover how to find lost AirPods by making them beep. If you've lost one or both AirPod earbuds or AirPods Max headphones in your nearby area, this handy tip can save you considerable time searching for these inconspicuous Apple devices.
Protecting Privacy with Password Managers
By Mike Riley
Creating and monitoring unique passwords for different websites used to be a major hassle. Writing down confidential account information on sticky notes, paper notebooks, or unprotected spreadsheets used to be the norm. However, as the world has become more sophisticated and bad-actor hacking efforts have raised the vigilance bar, using a password manager not only makes security sense but is practically a requirement. With that in mind, I’ve broken down the best password managers available for the Apple platform to help find which ones best suit your digital security needs.
Vacationer Planner Apps: How to Plan the Perfect Trip on Your iPhone
By Todd Bernhard
I travel a lot, for both work and pleasure. I attend industry trade shows and take trips with my family everywhere from Europe to the Middle East to Asia. I’m writing this from my hotel in Disney World, where I’m visiting my daughter who works at the park. With my role as my family’s unofficial travel agent, I do a lot of research and have found that I can plan an entire vacation on iOS.
How to Copy & Paste on Mac Using a Mouse or Trackpad
By Amy Spitzfaden Both
You might already be familiar with the keyboard shortcuts for copy and paste on a MacBook, but you'll also want to know how to do that using a mouse or a trackpad. These devices aren't always as intuitive as we might think, but once you know how to do it, it's quick and easy. So if you're looking at your mouse and wondering, "How do you copy and paste on a Mac?" we have the answer for you. Let's learn how.
How to Save a File as PDF on iPhone & iPad
By Olena Kagui
There are many surprising ways to work with PDFs on an iPhone and iPad. The first step is to learn how to get PDFs on your device and convert files into PDF documents. It isn’t as intuitive as it should be, so I will walk you through the steps to save PDFs on your iPhone and iPad.
How to Edit a PDF on iPhone & iPad Using the Files App
By Olena Kagui
Learning how to use the Files app on iPhone and iPad will make it easy for you to create, edit, and sign PDFs directly on your handheld device! The Files app is native to your iPhone and iPad, and you can use it to edit existing PDF documents, fill them out, and mark them up.
How to Use Alexa on iPhone
By Amy Spitzfaden Both
Does Alex work with an iPhone? It does, and it can be an excellent alternative to Siri depending on your home setup and personal preferences. Let's learn how to use Alexa on an iPhone and upgrade your virtual home assistant game.
If you use the Numbers app on iPhone, you may have certain spreadsheets that contain especially sensitive data. Luckily, Numbers allows you to set a password for certain files for extra security. We'll show you how to set a password on iPhone for an individual Numbers app spreadsheet.
The iPhone Notes app offers checklists as an extremely easy way to keep your to-do lists and jotted-down ideas close at hand. If you use Notes checklists often, you may want to consider changing your settings so that Notes automatically sorts checked items to the bottom!
How to Connect Apple Pencil to iPad
By August Garry
If you have a brand new Apple Pencil, you may be wondering how to connect your Apple Pencil to an iPad. When you pair an Apple Pencil with an iPad, you can draw, write, and perform many different gestures with it. In this article, we'll show you all about how to pair and set up an Apple Pencil with your iPad.
How Do I Set Up Apple Digital Legacy Contact on iPhone?
By Olena Kagui
Apple Digital Legacy is a new feature that gives you peace of mind by letting you set up a contact who will have guardianship over your data when the time has come. The Legacy Contact Access Key makes it possible for them to download the data, delete it, and use or sell the Apple devices registered under the deceased user’s Apple ID.
10 Best Apple Watch Faces Apps of 2025
By Olena Kagui
Customizing your Apple Watch face is easy and fun, and the built-in Watch app has a curated selection to pick from. Third-party Apple Watch background apps also exist, giving you even more options! Discover the best cheap and free Apple Watch faces and transform your watch face based on your favorite style, holiday, or mood.
How to Show Text Message Timestamps on Mac
By Devala Rees
Text message timestamps on Macs are automatically hidden. Unless you know how to see timestamps on a Mac, you're stuck guessing when you last texted someone or heard back from them! We'll show you how to view text times on Mac, and how to hide them again if you choose to. Here's how to tell when a text was sent in the Messages app on Mac.