iPhone Life - Best Apps, Top Tips, Great Gear
How to Use Image Wand on iPhone with Apple Intelligence
By Olena Kagui
Image Wand is one of the several new Apple Intelligence features available on iPhone and iPad. The Image Wand can be used to generate images based on prompts and sketches done in the Notes app. We’ll teach you how to use it to transform a hand-drawn drawing or even a blank space into a professional-looking image.
How to Clear Calculator History on Your iPhone
By Leanne Hays
Apple has introduced new and improved features to the iOS 18 calculator, including the ability to see your iPhone calculator history. You can also clear your calculator history partially or entirely; here's how.
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How to Fix Apple Podcast Not Working on iPhone & iPad
By Leanne Hays
If you're wondering, "Why does my phone stop playing podcasts?" or "Why won't my podcast resume play?" it could be because of a poor connection, some settings that need to be reset or changed, an app that needs to be restarted, and more. Let's go over why Apple Podcasts is not working, and how to fix podcast audio on your iPhone or iPad.
How to Turn Off 5G on iPhone
By Rhett Intriago
5G is the ideal way to use your iPhone on the go since it offers faster upload and download speeds and more reliable connections than 4G networks. However, 5G networks can use more battery and drive up the cost of your phone bill if you don't have unlimited data. If that's a concern for you, you can easily disable 5G in your iPhone settings.
What Does “Verification Required” in App Store Mean?
By Rhett Intriago
Why can’t I download apps on my iPhone? Downloading apps is one of the essential functions of the iPhone, but if you get a message saying “verification required” in the App Store, you won’t be able to download or install any apps. In this article, we’ll go over how to fix when the App Store says, “verification required.”
How to Control Facebook Tracking You on Other Apps
By Rachel Needell
The way that the internet is connected can be a bit scary at times. Sites like Facebook have relationships with other apps and websites that allow those apps to share your data with Facebook. This is how Facebook collects data about you when you click on an ad or enter in something in a Google search. If you want to learn how to control what is shared with Facebook or to disable the information sharing altogether, we'll walk you through the steps!
How to Connect Mouse to Mac
By Olena Kagui
Learning how to connect a wireless mouse to a Mac is easy! You can usually do it by turning on your Mac’s Bluetooth and finding your wireless mouse under Bluetooth devices. Some third-party mouses require you to plug in a USB or USB-C mouse dongle in order to connect a Mac mouse.
How to Automatically Copy Mac Screenshot to Clipboard
By Olena Kagui
Taking screenshots on a Mac is a useful skill, and copying them directly onto the clipboard can save you lots of time. Skip searching for the location of your screenshot and automatically copy it, then jump directly to pasting with a simple keyboard shortcut. You can capture the entire screen, a portion of it, or just an app window.
How to See Who Sent You Links on iPhone
By Rhett Intriago
One of the great features of Safari is that when someone sends you a link, you can access it right from the new tab screen. Not only that but also, when you open a link that someone sent you, Safari will tell you who the sender is. Find out how to easily see Shared with You links and quickly reply to links that have been sent to you.
How to Change Folder Color on Mac
By Rachel Needell
One of the best parts of having a Mac is the ability to customize every detail. Did you know that you can change folder colors on Mac? There's actually a lot of different ways you can change the folder icon on Mac, and it's not difficult once you learn how! First, we'll cover how to change the color of folders on a Mac, and then we'll go over how to use your own custom image for Mac folder icons!
How to Set Orientation Lock on iPhone on a per App Basis
By Rhett Intriago
Orientation Lock is great for ensuring your phone screen stays in portrait orientation even when, for example, you want to use your device when lying down. However, there are some apps where you might not want your screen to stay in portrait, such as YouTube or the Photos app. Find out how to ensure Orientation Lock turns off when you use certain apps.
How to See Apple Pay History on iPhone
By Rhett Intriago
I love Apple Pay and use it almost exclusively to pay for things. If you use Apple Pay as often as I do, you might want to be able to check your recent transactions. In this article, I’ll show you how to check your Apple payment history in seconds.
How to Change Your Google Password on iPhone & iPad
By Leanne Hays
Is it time to change your Google password? If you have to ask, the answer is probably yes. Don't worry; whether you've had a recent security scare or you want to proactively refresh your login information, we'll show you how to change your Google password in just a few easy steps.
How to Text on Apple Watch
By Rhett Intriago
Can you text on Apple Watch? Yes, you can use your Apple Watch to send and receive texts! If you're not near your phone or don't want to have to pull it out, using your Apple Watch to send a text is a great alternative. Let's find out all the different ways you can send a message on the Apple Watch.
10 Best AI Apps for iPhone in 2025
By Olena Kagui
AI, or artificial intelligence, has become a standard feature for a variety of apps. Apps can use AI to search the internet for information and summarize it, generate or edit images, transcribe speech, and so much more. I’ll show you some apps to get you started with AI technology.
How to Turn Off iCloud on iPhone in a Few Easy Steps
By Rhett Intriago
No longer want to use iCloud? Whether you’re getting ready to sell your iPhone or you’re trying to prevent data from your iPhone from syncing, there is an option to disable iCloud on your device. In this article, we’ll go over a couple of different ways to turn off iCloud.
Fixed: Not Getting Text Notifications on iPhone
By Rachel Needell
If your iPhone has suddenly or randomly stopped getting text notifications, it may be due to a setting that accidentally changed. We'll go over all the reasons why you may not be getting text notifications on your iPhone.
Fixed: iPhone Says I Have Unread Messages
By Rhett Intriago
One of the most frustrating bugs in iOS is when your iPhone is showing unread messages but you’ve seemingly opened all your messages. Where is this mysterious notification badge coming from? In this article, we’ll go over what to do when your iPhone says you have unread messages but you’ve already read them all.